Jungkook lievestreem?

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Er hat geboxt und Workouts mit seinem Trainer gemacht. Hobi und Jimin haben den Live auch geschaut und kommentiert.
Hier eine englische Übersetzung von ganzen Live:


🐰 I’m tired

🐰 oh wait I have to turn it off and turn it back on because of the screen

🐰 ah people are coming in again

🐰 ARMYs are coming in


🐰I'll do this for awhile and go


🐥 teacher~~

🐥 I want to see you!

🐰 Tommy teacher says you should come! 

🐿️ jjakay your hair got cute

🐿️ Jiminie what are you doing 

🐿️ boxing one-two

 🐥 kekekekekekeke but don’t wait for me [to come] kekekekekeke

🐰 Jiminie hyung says don’t wait kekekeke

🥊 ahh hahahahaha

🐰 I’m almost done and I’m tired 

🐰 I’ll just finish up here and go


🐰 ah this is so tiring.. I'm going crazy

🐰 ah i'm forgetting everything 

🐰 ah i'm sorry

🐰 ahh this is how you do it

🐰 one two one two

🥊 like this up here 

🐰 one two one two

🥊 it’s 4 times

🐰 oh it’s 4?

🐰 ah ok okay

🐰I cut my bangs

🐰 I.. ah right I cut my bangs by the way!

🐰 since I don’t have any promo activities rn

🐰 I haven’t done this in so long

🐰 but I have some data left over from when I did do it

🐰 omg I’m so tired..

🐰 what time should I do this to? [boxing]

🐿HI JK 🐰💝



🐿Jimin-ah what are you doing

🐿is it alright for me to also do boxing?

🐰I guess Hobi hyung and Jiminie hyung left

👤 Everyone's complimenting you!

🐰 *comes to check comments*

🐰 Looks like Hobi hyung and Jimin hyung have left

🐰"I like your new hair" the bangs were a bit irritating so I cut it ~ (cutely)

🐰 You're having beer? Ah I'm jealous

🐰 Now that I've tied it, it looks like short hair. Short hair with no sideburns

🐰 in the past it looked weird to have hair without sideburns but now I’m used to it

🐰 okay the last part?

🐰 I got a hair cut in the front

🐰 it’s growing out in the back and soon I’ll be able to tie it like this…in a ponytail 

🥊 here’s a rubber band 

🐰 this is how it looks

🐰 it just looks like I have short hair

🐰 hair without sideburns

(Like 5 min ago)

🐰omg so tiring 

🐰 doing this to lose weight

🥊 everyone is complimenting you

🐰 (reads)

🐰 looks like Jiminie and Hobi hyung left

🐰aarrggghh it's tiringgggg~

🐥 Jaekae

🐥 Teacher/Coach~~

🐥 I miss you

🐿 Jaykey your hair has gotten cuter

🐿 Jimina what are you doing

🐿 Can I do boxing too *cutely*

🐿 Boxing one two

🐥 kekekekekekeke yes kekekekekeke just don't keep waiting kekeke

🐰 "Let's have a Taekwondo match?"

🐰 I have a Poom (black+red) belt in Taekwondo.. be careful *smiles*

🐰 omg I’m so tired

🐰 oh it was being hidden. can’t even see (what I’m doing)

🐰 how many am I doing

🥊 20

🐰 (crunches)

🐰 ah I can’t use my hands, right?

🐰 (grunts)


🥊 6,7,8,9,10 okay


🥊 almost done

🥊 make a 3 (triangle)

🐰how many of this (reverse ab crunch)

🗣(did he say 10 or 20?)

🐰 *screams out of tiredness*

👤 it's almost done, you need to use your hip

🐰 (more grunts)

🐰 one more [set]?

🥊 3 2 1

🐰 (more grunts)

🐰 my stamina is…really at the bottom rn

🐰 it’s not that bad considering I haven’t been working out/boxing right?

🐰 ah it has to come back tho

🐰 ah I gotta drink more water

🐰 My energy level... is hitting... the rock bottom...

🐰 But it's better... than not.. doing

🐰 I need to start... getting my energy back...

🐰ah my legs hurt

🐰 (heavily breathing) I do have to work out tho, I’ve rested too long

🐰 I gotta work out 365 days a year 

🐰 ah my leg/legs hurts 

🐰 when I leave, I have to walk home

🐰 Ow my leg hurts

🐰 I need to be going back home on foot too so..

🐰guys it's over. I'm leaving

🐰 everyone, my workout has ended so I’ll be going 

🐰 I’m going now

🐰 oh my breath. I’m so out of breath. It’s not coming back easily 

🐰 (hitting my his thighs)

🐰 My workout is done now, so I'll be going

🐰 everyone work hard!

🐰 I’ll be going now

🐰 if I’m bored on my way home, I’ll turn it on

🐰 I’ll be going live more often now, and I’ll turn it on for short times like this

🐰 please say goodbye (to the coach)

🐰 byeee ✌️

🐰 I'm going~ you've all worked hard

🐰 Ah no wait it's me who worked hard

🐰 then I'll go now guys! bye~~ [cutely]


Und noch ein paar Screenshots:

Bild zum Beitrag

Bild zum Beitrag

Bild zum Beitrag

Bild zum Beitrag

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – ich liebe Kpop
 - (K-Pop, BTS, Livestream)  - (K-Pop, BTS, Livestream)  - (K-Pop, BTS, Livestream)  - (K-Pop, BTS, Livestream)

PurpleOcean  12.02.2023, 19:03

Awww ganz lieben Dank für den Stern 🌟💜💜💜

 11.02.2023, 19:25

OMG dankeeeeeeeeeeee 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 . Wie nett kann man bitte sein 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Heartstopper7  11.02.2023, 19:32


genau das habe ich gebraucht :D💜💜💜💜💜💜

PurpleOcean  11.02.2023, 20:02

Ich habe sie dir jetzt einfach als Antwort auf eine deiner Fragen geschickt ^^

@lisajkv falls du die Bilder auch brauchst, sie sind in meiner Antwort auf LenaM260s Frage „Denkt ihr ihr seid ein Bekannter User?“


Ja, war ich. Ich war aber auch nicht von Anfang an da. Auf jeden Fall hat er WorkOuts mit seinem Lehrer gemacht. Er hat uns einen kleinen Einblick in sein Training gegeben ^^. Zum Beispiel hat er geboxt und auch Liegestütze gemacht. Jimin und J-Hope haben zugeschaut (nicht vor Ort, sondern wie wir A.R.M.Y.‘s) und auch kommentiert.

Seinen Live kann man aber wieder schauen, als Re-Play auf Weverse.

Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung – • viel Ahnung von K-Pop •

 11.02.2023, 19:36

Danke :)