Englisch Tagebucheintrag - bitte lesen!

2 Antworten

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Zunächst einmal bitte, bitte für die Zukunft: "im Voraus" mit EINEM r schreiben.


in chemistry we only did theory ----** Mr Neck's class** ----- Since that class (** that** moment )** I have been thinking** about .. , but first of all here is what happened.---

at the beginning of ... ---- ** From the beginning I knew the lesson wouldn't be good** ---- on the** board ** ("blackboard" sagt niemand mehr) --- ... of foreigners was to blame(zumindest im brit. Englisch muss "was" stehen) --- take away jobs from the Americans ---- ** Also** (Moreover), he wanted.... ---- (Kommt darauf an, ob Du "obwohl" oder "auch" meinst. Meinst Du "obwohl", dann muss das "but" weg) --- ... failed because of Mr. Neck's stubborness---- . David, usually a quiet boy .... but left the classroom demonstratively. ----- You are wondering why I'm so.... My opinion on ...** is** absolutely clear: .. ---- ... everyone that .... (kein Komma!) ---- Mr Neck must be stupid if ... ---- If I were his headmaster I would have dismissed/fired him already.

Wow - ein gewaltiges Stück Arbeit, diese Korrektur!

 13.11.2011, 16:45

Okay, viele Dank für die Mühe, werde die Korrektur beherzigen!


Your diary entry looks very nice to me (as a native speaker i think my opinion should be considered!); the only thing i would like to point out is, that when i first read the text, i thought of "integration" as the mathematical concept, not the sociological. Maybe you should clarify.
