Englisch Präsentation, passt der Text so?

2 Antworten

Ich hab da was hinzugefügt und ein paar kleine Fehler verbessert, ich hoffe das ich dir helfen konnte:) (was ich verbessert habe ist dunkler)

Hello and Welcome to my Präsentation on how to live sustainable. The first point is when it is cold on the outside you should not trun up the heatings straight away put something warm at the first on you. For example (In instance) put on a sweater or a Jacket which you can see on the Picture. This will not only safe you money you but help you also to live sustainable. The second point is reduce your water consumination. Only use as much water as you really need. Dont stand in the shower for a long time, if you dont need that. Plastic is not good for the environment this has been known for a long time. You should avoid plastic bottels, in shopps you can find other good opions. You should also avoid using your car unnecessarily if you can do without it. Short distances can be covered on foot or by bike, and longer distances can be traveled using public transportation, which is also a good option If you want do something good for your environment and for your skin you should use green products. There are much healthier for your skin because of the ingredients. You also protect animals from experiments. Another important aspect of living sustainably is reducing your energy consumption. You can do this by turning off lights and electronic devices when you're not using them. Using energy-efficient appliances and LED light bulbs can also help lower your energy usage and reduce your carbon footprint.For example, instead of leaving your computer on standby mode, make sure to shut it down completely when you're not using it. This simple habit can make a big difference in saving energy and reducing your electricity bill. Additionally, unplugging chargers and other devices when they're not in use can also help conserve energy.By being mindful of your energy consumption and making small changes in your daily habits, you can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle and help protect the environment for future generations.

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby


Hello and Welcome (RS = Rechtschreibung) to my Präsentation (= deutsch) on how to live sustainable (Grammatik).

The first point is when it is cold (---) outside you should not trun (RS) up the heatings straight away (Hier fehlt ein Wort.) put on something warm (---) first (---), for example (---) an (RS) sweater or (Hier fehlt ein unbestimmter Artikel.) Jacket (RS) which (Wort) you can see on (Wort) the Picture (RS). - First, you should not ... when ...

This will not only safe (Wort) you money (---) but help you also (Satzstellung) to live sustainable (s. o. = siehe oben).

The second point is reduce your water consumination (Wort). Only use as much water as you really need. Dont (RS) stand in the shower for a long time, if you dont (RS) need that (Formulierung, Grammatik). - Second, reduce ...

Plastic is not good for the environment (Satzzeichen setzen oder zweiten Satzteil mit einer Konjunktion anbinden oder einen neuen Satz beginnen.) this has been known for a long time. You should avoid plastic bottels (RS) in shopps (RS) you can finde (RS) good (Grammatik) opions (RS). You also must not (= nicht dürfen) use your car unnecessary (Grammatik), if you can actually (Position) without it. Short routs (Wort und RS) can be done on food (Wort, RS) or by bike and long routs (s. o.) can also be done with (Wort) puplic transport also a food (Wort, RS) opion (RS) - Was soll das heißen?. If you want (Hier fehlt ein Wort.) do something good for your environment and for your skin you must (besser: sollten) use green products. There (Wort, Grammatik, RS) are much healthier for your skin because of the (besser: besitzanzeigendes Fürwort = possessive pronoun) ingredients. You also prodect (RS) animals from experiments.

Das ist aber ein sehr abruptes Ende.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert, das Kursivgedruckte überdacht werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de

Tipps und Wendungen für englische Referate findest du hier: ego4u de/de/cram-up/writing/presentation

:-) AstridDerPu

 27.02.2024, 20:54

Bei Sustainable sollte ich da dann Sustainably schreiben? Wäre das den korrekt?