Kann mir jemand beim korrigieren dieses englischen Aufsatzes über New York City helfen?

3 Antworten

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New York City

New York City is the largest town in the USA and has the nickname BIG APPLE. Over 8 million people live in New York and over a third was born outside the USA. New York has five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. The most important is Manhattan. Manhattan has lots of sights. One of these is Central Park. The Central Park is 5 km long and 800 m across. The Central Park was opened in 1867. The Central Park has 25 million visitors every year. Popular sports in Central Park are jogging, biking, inline skating, football, baseball and taking a walk/ walking. You can picnic and relax there, too.Another sight is the Empire State building. It is the highest building in New York City and one of the highest in the world. The Empire state building is 381 meter high and with the TV tower 449 m. It has 102 floors. New York City has lots of sights, too. The statue of liberty is one of them. It opened in 1886 and is 93 meters high. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom. Another sight is the Brooklyn Bridge. The Bridge is 1,8 km long and 26 m across. It is one of the oldest bridges in New York. Manhattan and Brooklyn are joined by the Brooklyn Bridge. Everyday 100.000 cars drive over the bridge. The Brooklyn Bridge was planned by the German American John August Roebling. Another famous sight is Chinatown, where 200.000 people live. Most can speak and read little English. It is a city within New York where only Chinese live. There tourists like to buy souvenirs because they doesn’t cost much.

October2011  10.10.2012, 21:34

Empire State Building

the Statue of Liberty

Achte mehr auf die Schreibweise von Eigennamen ;-)

Ansonsten ist das ein sehr schöner Artikel, hast du gut gemacht!



Also ich versuchs mal ;) One of these is THE Central Park The Central Park IS 5 km long... (wobei,benutzen die amis nicht ne andere einheit?) The Central PArk was opened in 1867 The Central Park has got 25 Million visitors in a year. Popular sports in THE Central Park ... You can picnic and relax there,too. Another sight is the Empire state Building. The ESB is 381 metres TALL .. NY City has lots of sights,too (Empire State Building ist doch bereits eine?) It opened... is 93 metres high ...of the oldest BridgeS in NY Chinatown is a sight,too. There are living 200.000 people in Chinatown. The most just can speak and write a bit in English. It is a PART in NY... (City heißt ja Stadt) Tourists like to buy souvenirs there because it doesn't costs much.

Übrigens; Das Thema haben wir auch grad :D

Ich würde nicht schreiben, dass Manhattan the "most important" ist, sondern "the most interesting".