Beliebte Martial-Epigramme?

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"Nulla placere diu nec vivere carmina possunt, quae scribuntur aquae potoribus." (Epigramm 64.7) - "No poems can please for long, or live that are written by drinkers of water."

"Non amo te, Sabidi, nec possum dicere quare, hōc tantum possum dicere: non amo te." (Epigramm 32.1) - "I do not love thee, Sabidius, nor can I say why. I can only say this: I do not love thee."

"Saepe tibi studioso animo venante requiro, / quid sit pulcherrimum, quid mihi, vita, tuum est. / non est, crede mihi, sapientis dicere 'Vivam': / Sera nimis vita est crastina: vive hodie." (Epigramm 10.47) - "Often, while hunting with an eager mind, I ask what is the most beautiful thing, what is your own. Trust me, it is not for a wise man to say 'I will live': tomorrow's life is too late; live today."

"Iunctis opibus fueram, nunc sum dives et egenus: / inveni pariter res perdidique simul." (Epigramm 8.47) - "I had joined wealth with wealth, now I am rich and poor: I have found and lost at the same time."

"Quid non mortalia pectora cogis, / Auri sacra fames?" (Epigramm 3.53) - "What do you not force mortal hearts to do, accursed hunger for gold?"