Hilfe bei Übersetzung?

Ich benötige Hilfe bei einem Songtext.

Wie wird to do something dutifully sincere richtig übersetzt?

Und mit and all the love we've got to give has all spurted out komme ich auch nicht klar. spurted out soll heraus gespritzt bedeuten, aber mit der Übersetzung erscheint mir der Satz falsch.

Mag mir jemand, der besser Englisch beherrscht als ich helfen?

Und falls sich einer für den Song interessieren sollte:

The The (Matt Johnson) & Sinéad O’Connor
Kingdom of Rain
Tell me what you're thinking baby
Your heart's beating faster than mine
And I know something's going on in your life
In your life.. in your life
You were the girl I wanted to cry with
You were the girl I wanted to die with
And you were the boy who turned into the man
Broke my heart and let go off my hand
Our bed is empty, the fire is out
And all the love we've got to give has all spurted out
There's no more blood and no more pain
In our kingdom of rain
You think you know about life
You think you know about love
But when you put your hands inside me
It doesn't even feel like I'm being touched, and
You were the boy I wanted to cry with
You were the boy I wanted to die with
You've moved further from my side, year by year,
While still making love dutifully sincere
But as silent as the car lights that move across this room
As cold as our bodies silhouetted by the moon
And I would lie awake and wonder
Is it just me or this the way love is supposed to be?
Tell me what you told him baby
My heart's beating out of time with my mind
And I know something's going wrong in our lives
I just wanted somebody to caress, this damsel in distress
I just wanted somebody to undress, this damsel in distress
I just wanted somebody to bless, this damsel in distress
I just wanted somebody to possess, this young girl
Our bed is empty, the fire is out
And all the love we've got to give has all spurted out
There's no more blood and no more pain
In our kingdom of rain


Songtext, Englisch, Sprache, Übersetzung, Grammatik
Welche Lieder über Homosexualität und LGBTQI+ VOR 2000 kennt ihr?

Hey, bin eben auf einen alten Song von Charles Aznavour gestoßen, und da dachte ich, mal sehen, was es so an Songs gibt aus Zeiten, in denen das Thema leider stark abgelehnt, nein, angefeindet wurde. Es lebe die Vielfalt:-) Passend zum Thema: Jedes Musikgenre.

Ich stell mir eine U-Bahn vor
Ein lieber Freund sitzt neben mir
Wir mögen uns und schmusen
Verschmelzen ineinander
Seh'n und hör'n nur uns
Leute steh'n um uns rum
Empört und amüsiert
Ich dreh mich um und strahl zurück
Schenk ihnen ein Lächeln voller Glück


Ja, Rio Reiser mit Ton Steine Scherben.


Das ist von 1972! Für die damalige Zeit sehr progressiv.


Falls es nicht klappt mit dem Zeitlink: Ab ca. 15:54. Wenn das mal keine schwule Bühnenshow ist:-) Das war 1981, als Deutschland noch Menschen ins Gefängnis steckte wegen "homosexuellem Sex". Eine Schande für das Land! Zeltinger hat oft klar ausgesprochen, auch in seinen Songs, dass er schwul ist.

Keine Hass-Songs! Es geht um Liebe und Anziehung und allen damit verbundenen Facetten. Egal, ob Sex, Beziehungsprobleme, "Coming out".

Musik, Rock, Songtext, Pop, Rap, Liebeslieder, Metal, Schlager, Ausgrenzung, Chanson, Diskriminierung, Funk, Homosexualität, RB, Romantik, Soul, LGBT+, Pride Month
Wie findet ihr den Songtext?

Es geht hier nicht darum ob ihr das Lied gut oder schlecht findet. In der Frage zählt nur der Songtext. :)

Would anyone notice

If tonight I disappeared?

Would anyone chase me

And say the words that I need to hear?

That I'm no burden

Not so worthless

Bent so much that I just might break


So confusing

The questions that keep me awake

Would anyone care, would anyone cry

If I finally stepped off of this ledge tonight?

Would anything change, would you all be just fine?

'Cause I need a reason to not throw the fight

It just might save my life

Would anyone want me

If they knew what was inside my head?

Would anyone see me

For the person that I really am?

I won't lie

So hard to hide

I've never felt worthy of love

I would give up

Everything I have

Just to feel good enough

Would anyone care, would anyone cry

If I finally stepped off of this ledge tonight?

Would anything change, would you all be just fine?

'Cause I need a reason to not throw the fight

It just might save my life

If you're dying inside

Sick of being alive

Let me in, let me share in your pain

From my lungs through the dark

Spoken straight from the heart

Let me give you a reason to stay

If you're out there still lying awake

If you're out there still wondering

Would anyone care, would anyone cry

If you finally gave up and turned out the light?

The world would be changed if you left it behind

You can't be replaced, no, tonight is the night

You take back your life

Take back your life

Take back your life

Take back your life


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