Bitte korrigieren / Verbesserungsvorschläge; Host-Family Letter / Student's letter of Introduction

Das ist mein Brief an die Gastfamilie, ist der ok? (Der 2. Teil ist als Kommentar, passte nicht mehr)

Dear host-familiy,

First of all, I want to thank you for reading my letter and being interested in taking me in your family for half a year.

Now I want to introduce myself. My name is Sarah and I am 15 years old.

I live together with my family, which is composed of my parents and my 12 years old brother Tobias. I have a good relationship to my family and we all get along well. We sometimes do things together on the weekend and we spend our holidays together. The best thing in the holidays is that we usually are in Italy, Austria or the Swiss for three or two weeks in the summer to spend our time on a camping place. We do a lot of things like swimming, minigolf, hiking, or we play games together. Sometimes me and my brother don't want to go hiking and then we stay on the camping place and do other things. When we want to visit my grandparents we have to drive one hour by car, so we sometimes visit them on weekends. My other grandmother lives very near to us, I see her a lot and she means a lot to me. I like to talk to her and we do things together like eating icecream, going into a cafe, or we go shopping. I also often spend time with my friends. We often meet and then we sometimes go shopping, swimming, into the cinema, and on the weekends we sometimes sleep over. My friends are as important as my family for me. One of my friends is currently in New Zealand, she stays there for a year. I skype with her every 2 weeks. The things she tells me are very interesting, so I am looking forward to being in the USA. I want to spend half a year abroad because I think going to school in a foreign country is an incomparable experience that characterizes my life and that i will never forget. I want to get to know a new culture, new people, and I want to integrate in these new world and family. I want to get to know new things, and I wouldn't mind if my host-family is completely different to my family here. I want to go to America because I liked the things I was told about from other students. I also think that the school system is better than ours. In Germany school is kind of chore, we don't have school spirit like in the USA here. Additionally I want to improve my english. I do Yoga once a week in a group, and I go to the scoutgroup once a week. I also play guitar, but I don't take lessons. Me and a girlfriend tought it ourselves. I only know some chords so that I can play guitar and sing to it. I play the songs I currently like by ear, and I don't sing very good, it's just for fun. I also have o job in a drugstore, I bring medicine to ill people once a week. A year ago I went to a babysitter course, where I learnt many things and where I got a diplom. I like children but I do not babysit, because I already have a job. I am reliable, openminded, forgiving, empathic, selfconfident and curious. Since I was a kid, I always wanted a dog, ...

Englisch, Brief, Ausland, Austausch, Gastfamilie

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