Ist das Englisch?

Hallo, ich bin in der 9.Klasse auf einem Gymnasium und wir müssen eine Hausarbeit machen in der wir mehrere sachen über Australien schreiben müssen. Da ich mir nicht ganz sicher bin ob das richtiges Englisch ist, bzw. ob ich viele fehler drin habe, wollte ich fragen ob ihr dort mal drüber lesen könnt und evtl. ein kurzes Feedback geben könntet.

Es gab keine Vorgaben außer, dass wir unseren lerzten Tag in Melbourne mit 300€ gestalten sollen.

My last day in Melbourne

On my last day in Melbourne, with a budget of 300 € (477 Australian dollars) , I would go to a bakery early in the morning to buy breakfast and something for the next day on the plane. With my food, I would then go to the Royal Bionic Gardens and have a nice breakfast on a bench there. After having breakfast there and enjoying the peace and quiet, I would go to the Melbourne Museum to learn about dinosaurs. The entrance cost about 15 Australian dollars. Then I would go to the Queen Victoria Market. There I would walk around the market. On the way to the Queen Victoria Market I would look at the beautiful streets. Then, being hungry again, I would go to Chinatown to have lunch and do some shopping. To end the evening, I would go to eureka tower to enjoy the view of the whole city at sunset. The entrance for the Skydeck cost about 27.5 Australian dollars. I would have dinner there and then eat something tasty for dessert. After I would walk back to my hotel in 353 little collins street, pack my things and sleep there one night for 172 australian dollars. On the next day i would drive with a taxi to the airport and then fligh back to Germany. 

Englisch, Schule, England, Sprache, Amerika, Übersetzung, Australien, Grammatik, Sekundarstufe

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