Wie erkläre ich am besten auf Englisch was in den Film "Titanic" passiert/um was es geht?

3 Antworten

Well there was 2 persons Jack and rose... As Jack saw rose for the first time, he Fall in love with her... One day she wanted to jump from the Titanic bc her life is shit but Jack saw her and don't leave her go on board... He saved her and she thanked him on an another day and so they talked about another things too... She invited him to eat dinner with them (they're really rich and they eat together in a big (saal ← musst du googlen)) they said it's a Party and As Jack went back he gave her something... It stand 'make it count. See u on the clock' she went there and he asked if he wanna go to a real Party... So they went to the Partys where Jack always go and this was really a 'real Party' They danced and so on but rose is (verlobt) and someone who helped (dem verlobten) saw them dance together... The mum told rose don't see Jack anymore... But on an another day he catched her and They went in a room... She said she don't wanna See him anymore and so on Bc she loves her (verlobten) his name is call... In the evening he was outside and rose went to him and said 'jack I changed my mind'... He took her and let her make this flying scene bla bla bla... And in this scene they had their first kiss... One day the titanic crashed on an ice berg and the titanic go under... Jack let rose go on a door in the water... It was really cold... And they couldn't get a (rettungsbot) bc there wasn't enough... Jack stayed in the water bc the door would go under if they go both there... A long time later it came a (rettungsbot) and rose wanted that jack wake up... But he didn't she cried 'jack! Wake up there is a boot'... But he was died... He was still catching the door and rose took him and let him go... But she said 'she'll never let go she promise'... She took a (pfeife) from a guy and whistled so the (rettungsbot) could hear her... She was saved... And all this told rose but she was really old there... Usw. Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen aber mein englisch ist auch nicht das perfekteste weil ich erst 12 bin... Hab aber mega viel englisch wegen Leonardo DiCaprio und so gelernt weil ivh ein fan bin 😅

Wikipedia-->Titanic-->Spräche ändern: Türkisch

adabei  08.01.2017, 17:24

Da es wahrscheinlich um eine Englisch-Hausaufgabe geht und der gute Onkel nur vorgeschoben wurde, wird das nicht so viel helfen, fürchte ich ... ;-)