Welche Lieder mögen Wellensittiche?

2 Antworten

Das ist sehr unterschiedlich.

Auch ob überhaupt...

Ich wünsche Ihnen allzeit eine glückliche Hand für ihre Wellensittiche.

Mit besten Grüßen


- Fachmann für Wellensittiche -

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung
Most budgies enjoy calm and comforting music.
Budgies can be easily startled by loud or jarring noises or confused by an onslaught of sounds. Obviously, that can make dubstep or heavy metal a poor choice for budgies.
Instead, most budgies enjoy listening to soothing classical music, as this tends to be simple, coherent, and well resolved. From a musical perspective, the rhythm is predictable and not jarring.
Some owners report piano or violin being favored. These instruments are soothing but still complex enough to interest the budgie.