Wie kam es dazu, dass es in San Francisco ein Schwulenviertel gibt?

2 Antworten

Lange Geschichte.

Aus Wikipedia bei "History". Gibt eig mehr dort darüber zu lesen.


The U.S. military discharged thousands of gay servicemen from the Pacific theatre in San Francisco during World War II (early 1940s) because of their sexuality. Many settled in the Bay Area, San Francisco and Sausalito.[24][25] In San Francisco, an established gay community had begun in numerous areas including Polk Street (which used to be regarded as the city's gay center from the 1950s to the early 1980s[26]), the Tenderloin and South of Market. The 1950s saw large numbers of families moving out of the Castro to the suburbs in what became known as the "White flight", leaving open large pockets of real estate and creating appealing locations for gay purchasers. The Missouri Mule first opened in 1935 by Norwegian Immigrant Hans K Lund and would find its place in San Francisco's history becoming a proud icon of the LBGTQ community following its reopening in 1963.[27]

The Castro's age as a gay mecca began during the late 1960s with the Summer of Love in the neighboring Haight-Ashbury district in 1967. The two neighborhoods are separated by a steep hill, topped by Buena Vista Park. The hippie and free love movements had fostered communal living and free society ideas including the housing of large groups of people in hippie communes. Androgyny became popular with men even in full beards as gay hippie men began to move into the area. The 1967 gathering brought tens of thousands of middle-class youth from all over the United States to the Haight, which saw its own exodus when well-organized individuals and collectives started to view the Castro as an oasis from the massive influx. Many of the hippies had no way to support themselves or places to shelter. The Haight became drug-ridden and violent, chasing off the gay population, who looked for a more stable area to live.[28]

The gay community created an upscale, fashionable urban center in the Castro District in the 1970s.[29] Many San Francisco gays also moved there in the years around 1970 from what was then the most prominent gay neighborhoodPolk Gulch,[26] because large Victorian houses were available at low rents or available for purchase for low down payments when their former middle-class owners had fled to the suburbs..

Weimarfan  25.09.2024, 09:10

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