Vor und Nachteile eines Video Chats?

5 Antworten

  • If the person you are video chatting with is very beautiful you can make many screenshots 😂
  • You can sing together, watch videos together or do other things without being on the same place
Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung

• unlike a text conversation you would not be able to mask your anger or any other feelings that might upset the other person
• The other person has to be available in order for both to videochat
• You need a steady connection to avoid buffering, delays and drops.

Die anderen beiden Sätze sollen Nachteile sein? Ich habe mal ein bisschen am Ausdruck gefeilt, wenn dir das nichts ausmacht.

 03.09.2018, 18:30

Das sollten nur kurze Notizen sein.


Eine Frage noch: Vor- und Nachteile generell oder im Vergleich zu einem persönlichen Gespräch/Sms/Email/Chats/Anrufe?

• You're able to communicate visually, face to face
• Like every other personal conversation, you can talk to, listen to and see one another
• You can turn to the person directly for advice and you don't have to wait (like showing a new dress you need a second opinion on)