Thema für eine Englische Erörterung

4 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


meine Vorschläge von leicht bis anspruchsvoll:

• Soziale Netzwerke

• Bemannte Raumfahrt, Einstellung des Shuttle Programms

• Ölkatastrophe im Golf von Mexiko (Für und Wider von Bohrinseln)

• Fast Food

• Royals: Nächster König Charles oder Williams?, Hochzeit von William und Kate vor dem Hintergrund der schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Situation in England; 60.Thronjubiläum von Queen Elizabeth II.

• Schuluniformen (s. UK, Für und Wider)

• Todesstrafe in den USA

• Anglizismen im Deutschen

• Pro und Kontra Atomkraft

• Pro und Kontra Aussetzung der Wehrpflicht

• Pro und Kontra Bundesfreiwilligen Dienst

• Pro und Kontra Kraftstoff E10

• Pro und Kontra Führerschein mit 17

• Pro und Kontra Wahlrecht ab 14 oder 16

• Stuttgart 21, andere umstrittene Bauprojekte

• Massentierhaltung

• Tierversuche

• G8

• Mittelschule

• Sterbehilfe

• EU-Rettungsschirm für Griechenland

• Globalisierung

• Whaling

• Abortion in the USA


Tipps und Wendungen zu englischen Erörterungen findest du hier:

:-) AstridDerPu

AstridDerPu  03.04.2013, 13:12

Schön, dass dir meine Antwort gefallen hat und danke für das Sternchen!

:-) AstridDerPu


Factual topics for a group are - as the word says - about facts. This is a sample list of speech topics on current issues and facts: 1. Conspiracy is a very common form of political behaviour.

  1. The pros and cons of having a credit card.

  2. A chain gang is a modern form of slavery.

  3. Why drinking and driving is dangerous to yourself and others .

  4. Passive smoking is equally harmful.

  5. The economic boycott causes most of the problems in Cuba.

  6. International trade barriers work.

  7. City curfews help to prevent juvenile crime and to protect youth from victimization.

  8. The U.N. is mainly based on diplomacy and enhancing relationships.

  9. Affirmative action draws people to work they never considered before.

A controversial group discussion topic is a speech topic that has many controversies, pros and cons. Keep in mind that all current group discussion topics are not my opinion, but just a sample list of speech topics! I repeat this now and then to be clear to public speakers who look for fresh ideas. Play with them till they fit you.

  1. Sustainable urban living without the use of excessive natural resources must be our future.

  2. Are there extraterrestrials who influence events on Earth?

  3. Marijuana has a medical value.

  4. Direct mail is a special form of junk mail.

  5. The pros and cons of a female President.

  6. Online dating chats have nothing to do with a search for a soul mate.

  7. Should schools distribute condoms?

  8. Most people support embryonic stem cell research.

  9. Life imprisonment is a good alternative to capital punishment.

  10. What is wrong with child labor?

More abstract discussion topics for a group are things that cannot be touched, not be easily defined or formulated. Just think in a creative manner and start a vivid group discussion with one of these abstract topics to talk about:

  1. The Nostradamus Code - value of these predictions on judicial astrology.

  2. Breast Implants - saline and silicone types and safety.

  3. Bribery in Business - why it is unethical and not honest, and causes inequality.

  4. Computer Viruses - recent attacks and removal strategies.

  5. Bigamy - compare federal laws with state regulation.

  6. Hidden Persuaders - why subliminal advertising is banned.

  7. Moral Majority - examine the faith and values of this political action coalition .

  8. Hippocratic Oath - ethical medical professional behavior in modern times.

  9. Political Correctness - when does this policy cross a line?

  10. Vegetarianism - benefits and disadvantages of such a diet in relation to the food pyramid

The fourth type of group discussion topics are so-called case studies. You determine a problem and together with the other group members you have to find a satisfying solution. These are small group discussion topic ideas. Just modify and alter where necessary, these are just guiding light topic ideas:

  1. Leadership - What necessary changes are needed in your community organization and how do you want to lead the process?

  2. Malpractice Insurance - Doctors walk out on the job to protest the rising malpractice insurance costs. What to do about it?

  3. Work Ethics - Can we shape workers who have the sense that they serve the company ánd community?

  4. School Violence - What are the real causes of violence and bullying in Schools?

  5. Recycling - Sort out how to make money with recycling .

  6. Dropouts - Individual attention in safe schools and smaller classes; is that the way to stop students to drop out?

  7. Iraq - What are the best exit strategies?

  8. Speech Privacy - What are the best technologies to safeguard the right of free speech privacy on the internet?

  9. Minimum Wage - Why should we have a minimum wage or why not?

  10. Burnout - Should everybody check his or herself of burnout signs? How?

Hier ein paar Themen die vielleicht was waeren:

  • Are our zoos cruel to wild animals?
  • Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported?
  • Will all the kids in the future be home schooled? What is your opinion? Use specific reasons why you are for or against it.

Schuluniformen einführen in Deutschland oder ob Hausaufgaben sinnvoll sind ist n ganz gutes Thema:)