Mich vorstellen auf Englisch

8 Antworten

My name is xxx. I am 15 years old. My birthday is september the 25th. I live in xxx in a house with my parents and my pets. I'm in the ninth class in the xxx school. My nationality is German. My Relatives living in Germany. I like drawing and writing. I have an own horse. His name is Joy. He's 8 years old. At home i have five rabbits and one dog. I don't like football and eggplant. After finishing school i would like to start a apprenticeship as a dressmaker. I love to be creative.

My name is xxx. I am 15 years old. Ich bin am 25. September auf die Welt gekommen (-> Auf Englisch?) I live at xxx in a house with my parents and my pets. I'm in the ninth class of the xxx school. My nationality is German. My Relatives living in Germany. I like to draew and ride. I have a own horse. His name is Joy. He's 8 years old. At home i have five rabbits and one dog. I don't like football and eggplant. After finishing school i would like to make a apprenticeship as a dressmaker. I love to be creative.

My name is xxx. I am 15 years old. Ich wurde am 25. September geboren. I live at xxx in a house with my parents and my pets. I'm in the ninth class of the xxx school. My nationality is German. My Relatives living in Germany. I like to draew and ride. I have a own horse. His name is Joy. He's 8 years old. At home Komma i have five rabbits and one dog. I don't like football and eggplant. After finishing school i would like to make (Wort) a (RS) apprenticeship as a dressmaker. I love to be creative.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.


PS: Formulierung

chocolatefrog  11.05.2015, 19:52

Ich wäre ja jetzt gar nicht darauf gekommen, dass "ich wurde am 25, september geboren" falsch ist ich dachte das wäre so voll bbc englisch 

AstridDerPu  12.05.2015, 00:16

Schön, dass ich dir helfen konnte. Ich hatte gedacht, dir würde es leichter fallen, diese Formulierung zu übersetzen. Aber da lag ich wohl falsch.


My name is xxx. I am 15 years old and was born on 25th, september xxx, I live in xxx in a house with my parents and my pets. I'm visiting the the ninth class of xxx school. My nationality is German. My Relatives are living in Germany. I also like to draw and ride. I have an own horse and his name is Joy. He's 8 years old. We have alot of pets at home -  five rabbits and one dog. I don't like football and eggplant. After I finished my school years i would really like to make a apprenticeship as a dressmaker. I love to be creative.

Habe mal ein bisschen was geändert :) 

 11.05.2015, 16:02

Vielen lieben Dank für die Antwort! Du hast mir sehr weitergeholfen!


I was born on September 25th....My relatives live in Germany...I like to draw...I have my own horse, its name is Joy...It is eight years old....At home I have.... (was ist "eggplant"?) After finishing school I would like...

Der Rest ist okay. Du könntest etwas flüssiger schreiben, die Sätze  sind alle sehr kurz.

 11.05.2015, 16:01

Vielen Dank für die Antwort - "eggplant" heisst Auberginen :D

Bambi1964  11.05.2015, 16:03

Ach ja, Eierfrüchte heissen die irgendwo bei uns in Deutschland auch. Aber dann musst Du eggplants schreiben (Mehrzahl).

 11.05.2015, 16:05

Ahja stimmt! Vielen Dank für den Hinweis :)