Hassen die chinesen japan immernoch?

5 Antworten

Ich bin Chinese .My English is bad,but my Deutsch is very bad .Let me tell you about in my opinion in simble English.

Many Chinese people like watching Japanese anime very much, and there are also many Chinese who study Japanese or go to Japan to study. The Chinese do not hate the Japanese, but the premise is! ! They acknowledged what the Japanese war of aggression against China, the Nanjing Massacre, and Unit 731 did, and apologized to the innocent people who died in China. There is a Yasukuni Shrine in Japan, which is the cemetery of the generals who killed 35 million Chinese. These people are criminals certified by the World Military Court! Whenever a Japanese prime minister visits the Yasukuni Shrine, the Chinese will think that this prime minister will oppose China during his term of office. The Prime Minister’s behavior is similar to that of the German Chancellor, going to the graves of Nazi officers to worship. The Chinese like to attack Japan on the knees of Warsaw, because Japan did not apologize to China and there is no history of aggression against China in Japan’s education, or that they interpreted the war of aggression that killed 35 million Chinese as against The salvation of the Chinese people.

All in all, what the Chinese people want most is that the Japanese government recognizes its history of aggression against China and apologizes to China. The current Chinese cannot replace the dead Chinese to forgive those murderers.

I can’t express this text completely in English or German, so I turned to Google Translate for help. If there are any problems, it’s Google’s problem。^皿^

HPeanut  23.10.2021, 10:59

Außerdem werden die Vereinigten Staaten Japans Keimkrieg und die Aktionen von Einheit 731 nicht anerkennen, weil die Vereinigten Staaten die experimentellen Daten von Japans lebenden Experimenten mit Chinesen weggenommen haben. Weil es nicht im Geiste der Humanität ist

Pwnedbymarian  24.10.2021, 01:01

Japan apologized multiple times for what they've done. They want to forget everything asap and move on since the chance that any kind of these things will repeat is near 0%. Still South-Korea and China hates Japan. I mean back then they all behaved like kids but Japan was the strongest one amongst them. No cap I think that especially China would've done the same.

HPeanut  24.10.2021, 13:18

Continue to use Google Translate. Written in front:

In fact, I used such a large paragraph to respond to you. I am not sure if you will read it carefully. When I saw this topic, I was actually quite uncomfortable. Everyone knows that the exchange of information between Chinese domestic and foreign netizens is limited. In other words, the information I have obtained at home is not known to friends in other countries. We are studying history and working harder to improve our own strength. We, the Chinese people, and the Communist Party have developed and built China from a backward country into a powerful country recognized by the world. But at the same time, some strange remarks will be interpreted as Chinese citizens being controlled by the Communist Party. I feel so sad.

I don't know what you said about China's mistakes. Let me first talk about what I said to you about Japan's apology.

First, may I apologize for what you said, so why does the prime minister of Japan go to visit the Yasukuni Shrine? The Yasukuni Shrine enshrines such basic knowledge of World War II war criminals, doesn't your government know that?

Second, after seeing your reply today, I found a Japanese history textbook. The description of the Sino-Japanese part is: Because of the collapse of the Japanese economy, it must engage in aggression. Then I would like to ask: Why does Japan’s economic collapse want to invade other countries? Why was the massacre of innocent Chinese citizens carried out when the war was launched? Why slaughter China's 35 million Chinese citizens?

Third, what you are saying is that you want to downplay or forget this period of history. I think this is what the Japanese government is doing. In China, it will never be possible. Forget what? Forget the 35 million Chinese citizens who died? Forget the Chinese civilians buried by their lives? Forget the Chinese women who were raped and then killed? Lost the right to be a mother after being treated as a prostitute by a Japanese soldier? Regarding this matter, the Chinese once did the documentary "Twenty Two" because at the time of the interview, only 22 of these old women were left in this world.

If you are a Japanese, I can understand why you would write such words. Then if you are a Chinese, I will think you are a 臭傻逼,卖国贼,你就是之前国家的那批汉奸走狗对吧,当个人是太舒服了是吧,上赶着当日本军国主义的狗是吧,?

if you are a person from other countries, then I hope you can take a closer look at this part of the history.

I understand the basis of this text because your ruling party is a right-wing government and their ancestors may have been an officer who massacred Chinese citizens. It is impossible for them to admit the mistakes of their ancestors, because they can continue to be officials because most of the reason is the family behind him.

Pwnedbymarian  24.10.2021, 13:24

Like I said China isn't better than Japan. The CCP downright massacred people that believed in democratic values and punish everyone who has a different opinion from the CCP. Do you know what happend at the tiananmen square massacre or what happend in Hong Kong this year?

You are downright forced to believe the same as the CCP. You dont even have your own opinion. The CCP isn't making China better they inslave their own people for profit and kill their land for money and you monkeys support it.

HPeanut  24.10.2021, 14:28

I wanted to recite words, but I didn’t expect you to reply so quickly

Google Translate is really good

There is one more thing, I think it is wrong to curse.

Also, the examples you used against China are a bit outdated, so that I don't have a strong desire to reply to your message. And what we are discussing is whether the Chinese hate Japan or not, which has nothing to do with China's internal politics. I hope that next time I see your reply is about this piece of history rather than discussing Chinese politics.

My major is not about politics or history, so the explanation I give you may not be authoritative.

Let me reply to your message:

First, you need to list specifically where China is inferior to Japan, because as far as I know, Chinese companies have developed the 5g system. In the recent aviation field, China is also earnestly launching space stations and rockets into the sky. In daily life, you might sympathize with us because we don’t eat Japanese food containing nuclear waste water? Maybe you think that because cov19 is basically under control, we often do not wear masks in some areas where it is not allowed to wear masks, not as good as Japan? Then I'm really sorry, after all, I really don't like wearing a mask when it is not necessary. The Japanese companies’ continuous apologies for scandals and the dumping of nuclear waste water by Japan have given me a very bad impression of Japan recently.

Second, are you talking about the Tiananmen Square group of people who committed suicide in Tiananmen Square? That group of people used to believe in an evil religion. This religion is an organization that firmly opposes the Communist Party outside of China. I and I don’t want to continue to develop this religion because it deviates from the focus, but I think you only believe in some. It is a very bad thing to have a biased view. Let me briefly describe this evil religion. They encourage the Chinese people to commit suicide in Tiananmen Square, because the Chinese Communist Party considers their religion to be a cult. There is also good news. After treatment, two citizens who committed suicide were rescued and received treatment. Now they are living well.

The second is the Hong Kong issue: to be honest, I find this question very strange. Why does the United States and other countries condemn China in a region where China manages China? It’s like, the Japanese government proposed some optimizations in the Osaka area, and China used to say that it was wrong for the Japanese government to do so (Of course, the Chinese government would not do this, but if I use the United States as an example, I’m worried that you Japanese will think that the United States manages Japan. No problem) Chinese media professionals and citizens once uploaded videos on YouTube, but I found one very interesting thing, that is, the number of views of that video dropped from 1,000 to 800. I don't think this makes me understand.


If you can, I hope you can open this video, which has English and traditional characters.

Regarding the Hong Kong issue, it is not the Hong Kong police who set fire to the police. It is not the government that kills the police, and it is not the Chinese government that destroys public facilities.

To be honest, I felt very annoyed when I explained it to you. Because when I was explaining it, it was very likely that our Communist Party had brainwashed it. For example, I said that the Hong Kong police are in law and order. You can answer: But they took the citizen into the police station. I said that because they killed a policeman, another group of people was pouring gasoline and igniting it in the crowd. You reply, no, I did not see this part of the video on YouTube.

I do not hope that I can solve the prejudice of people like you against China here, because I am only a Chinese citizen and I do not have strong logic to convince you. I am here to reply, just hope that everyone can get along more happily. As I said at the beginning, as an ordinary Chinese, you don't hate a person because of his nationality.

Pwnedbymarian  24.10.2021, 15:53

You are straight up denying facts. I never said that Japan is superior within technology. China inslave their people and let them die for success which is the reason how they are so successful using the purest form of capitalism with so many people being used as decoys.

The tiananmen square massacre is real. These people where not from an evil religion. They were normal people going against the brutal Chinese regime silencing everyone who doesn't share their opinions.

Experts around the world, ex-chinese politicians say all the same which is that China is a brutal country which doesn't care about humanity. No one is going against Chinese people themselves but against brainwashed people like you. It feels like talking to someone living in north Korea. You have the exact same mentality.

Going back to the original question: of course Chinese people hate Japan. Japan was the winner and killed millions of Chinese people. The CCP is portraying the Japanese people like devils and use their hatred to fuel the connection between the Chinese citizen and the actions of the CCP.

HPeanut  25.10.2021, 02:31

This responding by myself . Politics I don’t want talk any more.And I will never respond you any more after this message.Thanks for your words although I can’t agree with you.

I think you will never come to China and Chinese wouldn’t welcome you.

As I said Chinese wouldn’t hate Japanese who apologize to China from H-E-A-R-T ! !

You said,your government apologized to China.But as a Japanese ,what you said?

Like you said you think Japan never lose from world war 2 and Japanese officers killed Chinese during that war you think that’s your Japanese honor .

Your dear Japanese government said:we are wrong.

And you said:we never lose!

In Your words ,Japanese should forget that history .

But your forget is means “we lose the war so this is a losing face end , so we should forget.”

Chinese wanna see you said:we are sorry about we have started this war , apologize for your everything what you have done to Chinese.

Japanese government and your behavior tell us that ,if japan have the power to beginn a new world war ,so that you will start.

How can not make Chinese worried?


Nein. Es gibt natürlich Vorbehalte. Das ist alles Vergangenheit. Andere Nationen haben sich auch schwer an China vergangen. Bspw. England mit seinen Opiumkriegen. China weiß, daß der Feind: Japaner, Koreaner, Vietnamesen UND Chinesen als Gooks ansieht. Und daß Gooks zusammenhalten sollten. Gegen gemeinsame ehemalige und jetzige Unterdrücker/Gegner


Auf jeden Fall!

Japan hat auch vieles Negatives in China angerichtet. Trotzdem eignen sich junge Chinesen viel kulturelles von Japan an und lieben die dort vorhanden Medien wie Anime und Manga. Die ältere Generation hasst die Japaner. Aber Chinesische Boomer haben eh nicht alle Tassen im Schrank deshalb muss man sich auch nicht wundern. Die Regierung sieht Japan weiterhin als Feind und propagiert viel negatives.

Woher ich das weiß:Recherche

Nach meinem Empfinden hassen "die Chinesen" die ganze Welt. Ganz besonders die Japaner und ganz besonders "die Chinesen". Soweit ich das mitbekommen habe, richtet die Regierung das Land und die Mentalität seiner Einwohner seit Jahrzehnten (wenn nicht noch länger) zugrunde.

Aber das ist nur meine ganz subjektive Meinung dazu und ich gebe gerne zu, dass ich mich nicht sehr intensiv damit befasst habe.

fivemonths  23.10.2021, 12:45

Yasukuni-Schrein ehrt die Kriegsverbrecher der Klasse A. Stell dir mal vor, dass ein deutscher Politiker jedes Jahr Hitlers Grab besuchen würde. Wie würde sich Israel darauf reagieren?


Andrastor  23.10.2021, 12:51

So what? Das ist nicht das Thema würde ich sagen. China ist nicht nur ein armes kleines Opfer sondern in vielen Fällen selbst Täter.


Die Lage ist für die meisten Doofen unübersichtlich kompliziert^^. Vor allem müsste jedes Volk, ihre eigenen Herrscher, Könige, Poltiker hassen, die für die vielen Tote (auch in der Friedenszeit), und solche (Kreig) Zustände verantwortlich sind. Das macht aber keiner, die Bösen sind immer die Anderen. Eine "Nation"?? ..hat Helden, und Geschichten, und lässt sich in dem Sinn dafür lenken, und ausbeuten. Die oben, sind alle kriminell, bis geht nicht mehr^^ ;-P