GFS Thema Englisch?

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GFS-Themen Englisch


• The American Indian - Native Americans (history and today)

• The American Dream in the 20th / 21st century

• New York City - a brief look at immigration

• Youth culture in the USA

• Two roads towards freedom – a comparison: Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

• America's changing international war - from isolationism to interventionism

• World at the - The Cuban Crisis

• US soldiers in Germany - before and after German reunification

• Religious diversity in the USA

• The Shakers / Quakers / Mormons / … - life of one religious group in the USA yesterday and today

• Women's suffrage movements

• The Skulls - America and its secret societies

Great Britain

• The monarchy in Great Britain – an outdated institution?

• Aspects of Welsh (Scottish / Irish / English) life and culture

• London - a brief look at immigration

• Youth culture in Great Britain

• Ghandi - aims and achievements

• The life of Nelson Mandela and his influence on South Africa

• The life of Nelson Mandela and his influence civil rights movements.

• “East is East”: Problems of second-generation immigrants in GB (the movie and reality)

• The political history of India ( …)

Media / Science and technology / Globalization

• The Internet – the public library of the future?

• Comparison of the media world of the 1980s and today

• Presentation of environmental projects in and around your home town / village

Shakespeare and theatre

• English one act plays: From role play to a real performance. (suitable for more than one participant)

• Shakespeare in Art (paintings /music)

• Shakespeare’s influence on Literature (novels, poems..)

• Shakespeare’s "xxx" and its movie adaptations (Pick out one of his great dramas!)

• The Shakespearean theatre - what life was like in the theatres

• Shakespeare and his times - the Elizabethan Age

Other Literature

• Utopias of the past - and what has become of them: 1984 / Brave New World

• Novels in Film (Movie adaptations of a literary piece of work )





The individual and society: Identity, Education, Work, Region, belief and faith, Politics

Culture and sport: Storytelling and literature, Shakespeare, Culture and the arts, Sports

Countries and regions: Geography, the US past and present, The UK past and present, The English-speaking world

Issues and challenges: The climate crisis, Global changes, Media in the digital age, Visions of the future



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