Englischer Report - Grammatik

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


hier meine Korrekturen:

The match on Friday... FCC-Jena beat Erfurt 3-1 in the final match of the season. The match was in Jena/Thüringen, on 3rd March (gelesen: on the third of March). Jena played better (kein Komma) because Erfurt was slow and 'sleeping'. But Jena was really good, they were fast and they played good passes. Most Erfurt players were bad today. That was the reason (kein Komma) why Erfurt lost. In the end, the final score was very good for Jena(kein Komma) because they won.

:-) AstridDerPu

 22.05.2011, 21:24

vielen, vielen dank

AstridDerPu  23.05.2011, 09:29

Schön, dass dir meine Antwort gefallen hat. Hoffentlich hat's geholfen.

Danke für das Sternchen!

:-) AstridDerPu


ganz gut; Zeile 3: > and they plays good passes< muss played heißen; Zeile 5: > they wan < muss won heißen sonst ok. lg ly