Englisch Summary, Meinung über Text ?

1) Aufgabe - (Schule, Englisch)

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

The short story „Remember“ written by Kevin Kitching tells the story of
two persons (Grammar) and their amazing and unique encounter. As the story begins (Komma) the main character narrate (Grammar) the confrontation with the benefits of “friendship”  (Ausdruck) and his meeting with a girl who is called Chris (lines 2  until (Wort) 8 ). One evening (Komma) they meet by chance on a Greyhound bus. By the next day, they talk about their diffrent  (RS) troubles, how they punished
their (Wort) and why they punished their (Wort). ( ..We talked about our diffrent (RS)
problems, how they affected us, and, most importantly, why they affected
us. Line 5 until 6 ). Later  (Komma) Chris fall  (Grammar) asleep in his  (In seinen eigenen?) arms. The following day (Komma) she was gone (Grammar) . To make matters even worse (Komma) she leaves a letter. (Sätze verbinden.) In the letter (Komma) she thanks (Hier fehlt etwas.) for his presence and his understanding.
UNDERSTANDING...line 15 until 16 )

At this point (Komma) he stays into (Präposition) the forests of Alabama and was shattered (Zeit). The lines 18 until 19 focuses (Grammar) on his desperate and frustated search for a place for the letter. Finally, the writer emphasizes the handling  (???) and the severance pay (Abfindung wofür?) with the problems and the actuall (RS; Wort) situation of the main character (...If I throw it away, I will still remember, and that’s enough for me line 20 )

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!.

Summaries werden in der Regel im Present geschrieben. Handlungen aus der Vergangenheit können aber durchaus auch im Past Simple und Present Perfect stehen.

- The summary is usually written in the present tense.

- But past events may be reported in the past, future events may be reported in the future.

- Statements or questions which were made in the past may be reported in the past tense or the past perfect.

- Statements and questions which were made in the past but concern the future may be reported in the conditional

(Quelle: kfmaas.de/summary0.html)

Für die Anwendung der anderen Zeiten im Summary gelten dieselben Regeln und Signalwörter wie in anderen Texten.

Die Zusammenfassung eines Sachtextes, der sich mit Geschichte befasst, steht im Simple Past, denn es handelt sich um in der Vergangenheit abgeschlossene Handlungen.

In eine Summary gehören nicht:

- Progressive / Continuous Tense

- Wörtliche Rede

- Zitate aus dem Originaltext

- Eigene Meinung, Gedanken und Kommentare

- Stellungnahme

- Schlusssatz

- Erzählerische Elemente, z.B. suddenly, unfortunately, at long last …

Zur Länge gibt es keine Vorgaben, man sagt über den Daumen gepeilt 1/5 des Originaltextes.

Tipps und Wendungen zu englischen Summaries findest du unter folgendem Link:ego4u.de/de/cram-up/writing/summary

Beispiele und Übungen findest du, wenn du bei Google - sample summaries oder exercises English summary eingibst.


PS: Meiner Meinung nach gehören die Zeilenangaben nicht in die Summary.

AstridDerPu  03.01.2016, 21:11

Schön, dass dir meine Antwort gefallen hat und danke für das Sternchen!


 02.01.2016, 20:27

Heii, vielen Dank erstmal. Eigentlich wollte ich auch keine Zitate reinnehmen aber in der Aufgabenstellung ( siehe Bild ) steht ausdrücklich : " with lines and examples" . Lieber Gruß ! :)

 02.01.2016, 20:37

The short story „Remember“ written by Kevin Kitching tells the story
of two persons and their amazing and unique encounter.
As the story begins the main character narrates the confrontation
with the benefits of “friendship” and his meeting with a girl
who is called Chris (lines two until eight ). One evening, they meet
by chance on a Greyhound bus. By the next day, they talk about their
different troubles, how they punished their and why they punished
their. ( ..We talked about our different problems, how they affected
us, and, most importantly, why they affected us. Line 5 until 6 ).
Later, Chris fall asleep in his arms. The following day, she was
gone. To make matters even worse, she leaves a letter. In the letter,
she thanks for his presence and his understanding. ( ...
point, he stays into the forests of Alabama and is shattered. The
lines 18 until 19 focuse on his desperate and frustated search for a
place for the letter. Finally, the writer emphasizes the handling and
the severance pay ( Abfindung ) with the problems and the actuall
situation of the main character (...If I throw it away, I will still remember, and
that’s enough for me line 20 )

Beim Rest komme ich nicht weiter

 02.01.2016, 20:41

* (..Finally, the writer emphasizes the handling with the problems and the current
situation of the main character ..)