Englisch Story grammatikalisch richtig?

3 Antworten

Hab deine beiden Geschichten jetzt kurz überflogen. Es sind schon ein paar schlimme Fehler dabei. Der ersten Geschichte konnte ich zum Teil von der Logik her nicht ganz folgen. Das Baby war wohl eher ein Kleinkind (a toddler), da es schon laufen konnte. Ein bisschen wirr das Ganze.

It was a Sunday. I had to babysit at 9 o'clock. So I put on my clothes and went to the family with the baby. I rang and I heard a loud cry. It was the baby. The baby's mother opened the door and said that she had to go to an important meeting.
So she gave me the milk and the baby. The baby stopped crying, but didn't want to drink the milk. I put the baby onto the floor and it crawled to the kitchen. As I was occupied with my phone, I didn't pay attention. The baby saw a knife. When I wanted to stop the baby, it started laughing, but not in a normal way. It jumped up and down on the floor and wanted to kill me. I ran out of the house and tried to cross the street, but I fell to the ground. The baby came nearer and I jumped into the street. The baby was too slow and couldn't reach me, but it was knocked over by car .

It was a crazy Sunday . My mother told me to buy two bottles of milk for breakfast. So I put my jacket on and went outside. When I was outside, I saw a huge shadow on the ground. I looked up into the sky. There was a big alien spaceship .
All the people screamed and so did I. The doors of the spaceship were opened and the aliens came out of the ship. I hid behind a big house. The aliens caught many people and took them all with them into the spaceship. I saw so much blood. It was awful. An alien tried to get hold of me, but at that moment I saw a knife on the ground. So I took it and cut the alien's head off. The alien died, but more of them came near me. One of them took my foot and the other one my arms. I was crying and screaming, but then I woke up. It had just been a dream.

 27.02.2019, 22:43

Vielen, vielen dank das sie mir das ins richtige übersetzt haben

adabei  27.02.2019, 22:45

Jetzt verstehst du, warum ich es getippt haben wollte, oder?
Auf die Bildung des Past Tense (vor allem auch bei der Verneinung) musst du besonders achten.


Würd ja helfen aber bin schlecht in englisch

 27.02.2019, 20:14

Schade, bin ich auch


Kannst du die Bilder evtl drehen? Danke

 27.02.2019, 20:14

Haben sich selber umgedreht

MrAlfonso  27.02.2019, 20:12

oder einscannen anstatt fotografieren