Englisch (Extreme Sport) ist der Text richtig geschrieben?

3 Antworten

Yes, I would try an extreme sport like Motocross or Ice car races. I want to feel the buzz and I love the high speed. So I can meet new people who like the same sports too, learn something new and gain new experiences. When you need a change, extreme sports are a good opportunity to break out of everyday life and also to leave the comfort zone.

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Spreche über 10 Sprachen

 25.09.2022, 13:41



Yes, I would like to try extreme sports like Motocross or ice car races. I want to feel the buzz and I love the experience of high speed. When doing this I can meet new people who like the same sport too. I will learn something new and gather new experiences. Extreme sports are a good option to break out of day in day out life and also leave the comfort zone.

 25.09.2022, 13:42



Yes (Komma) I would to try a (RS) extreme sport like Motocross or Ice (RS) Car Races (Ich bevorzuge Racing.). I will (Wort; Grammatik) feel the buzz and I love (---) high speed. So I can meet new people which (Grammatik) like the same sport too, learn something new and have new experiences. When you need a change, are extreme sports (Satzstellung) a good option to break out of evryday (RS) life and also leave the (Ich bevorzuge my) comfort zone.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert, das Kursivgedruckte überdacht werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!

:-) AstridDerPu