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John Ehret is the first black mayor in Baden-Württemberg, probably the first mayor in Germany.

Every year on Christmas Eve John played at the nativity play at the chruch of Mauer.He always played one of the three kings.He played Casper.He played Casper so long until the priest gave him an another role.The priest gave him the role as a herder.Then at Christmas Eve he stood far in the back and had nothing to do, but it was for him the best moment of his career as an actor.

John Ehret was born in 1971 in Karlsruhe as the son of an afroamerican US-soldier.When you talk with him about that, he gets a little bit angry.He said that it would be good if everybody would justice him because of his skin tone.But John never had any experience with racism.As John was a baby, his parents, his parents gave him away to a home for children.When John was five he was adopted by the Ehret family from Mauer.His father was parish council and board in many associations.Soon John was allowed to raise the banner at pageants.At the beginning John was a sensation but soon he became a real ,,Mauermer Bub.´´

John made a carreer at the federal Criminal Police Office.John was criminal detective and educated policeman in Afghanistan.This carreer took also an unexpected change.This Friday the 40 year old John Ehret will return to Mauer. He will come back to the place of his youth for the first working day as a mayor.John Ehret is no party member but won the selection in the community with 4000 people with 58.1 %. John Ehret saved himself an hard election.He set on the trust of the people from former times. On his personal website you can see in the left corner the Slogan: ,,Yes we can``.He is for the people the Kraichgau Obama.John doesnt like that and wants to start and show some performance.He wants to give his city something back and thought about building a skaterpark for the youth of Mauer.

Englisch, Leistung
Woher weiss ich den Leistungsfaktor (cos phi)?

Hallo zusammen,

bin gerade etwas am verzweifeln.

Und zwar möchte ich bei einer Firma die Standby-Verbräuche von deren Anlagen ermitteln, also die Wirkleistung ermitteln.

Grundsätzlich sind da alle Anlagen am 3-phasigen Drehstrom (Starkstrom) angeschlossen.

Die Stromwerte der Phasen messe ich jeweils einzeln mit einer Strommesszange, an der ein Messverstärker ist, an dem sich wiederum ein Datenlogger befindet.

Was ich rauskriege ist nun ein Sinus ähnlicher Verlauf (hat Oberschwingungen) in einem Koordinatensystem, das mir auf der Y-Achse Strom [A] und auf der X-Achse die Zeit in Sekunden anzeigt.

Die Software des Datenloggers kann den Effektivstrom (Ieff) berechnen...soweit so gut.

Was ich habe ist nun also jeweils von jeder Phase der Effektivstrom. Da die Anlagen alle in Sternschaltung sind, habe ich mir sagen lassen, dass ich die Wirkleistung nun folgend berechne:

P=P1+P2+P3 P1 = 230V * I1eff * cos(phi) P2 = 230V * I2eff * cos(phi) P3 = 230V * I3eff * cos(phi)

Nun weiss ich cos(phi) aber nicht?

Als E-tech Unwissender frage ich mich nun, woher ich den wissen soll, bzw. ihn rausbekomme?

Es sei angemerkt, dass der gesamte Konzern über eine Blindstromkompensationsanlage verfügt.

Bedeutet das für mich, dass cos(phi) 1 ist und somit garkein Scheinstrom an meiner Maschine ankommt?

Wenn nein: Wie krieg ich den doofen cos(phi) denn raus?

An der Maschine (ist ne Klimakammer für Thermo-Prüfungen) steht jedenfalls nichts -.-

Danke schonmal :)

Leistung, Elektronik, Strom, Elektrotechnik, Elektro

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