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Ich spreche echt sehr schlecht Englisch da ich seit 9 Jahren aus Russland hier her kam und wollte fragen ob ihr mir bitte den Text Fehlerfrei machen könnt.

Ich wäre der Person zu tiefst verdankt!

Hello there, today I’m going to talk about me and my family. I will start about how I grew up. My Name is Dimitri Chpakov and i was born in the November 18th 2004 in Moskau. Moskau is a Part of the Region Central Russia. I stayed there until I was one year old. After that my Parents broke up and I moved to near ofTula that’s in Central Russia too. I went to the kindergarten there, I maked many friends there like Sophie or Patrick. I don’t have Contact anymore. My Family have for long time there a big Disco. My great-grandma opened this disco in the 1970s and closed at 2010. The Reason for closing is that the many People from the old times are get older and not want to make party. I have very nice memories to this time.  After the end of 2011 I moved to Germany in the Region Saarland. I lived in a big Village and I was going there to the primary School. After I finished my Primary School, I was going my half fifth grade there to the School in Saarland. I maked many friends and I still in touch with some of them. After my start of my childhood I moved again. Now I am living in Baden-Württemberg in a Village Named Althütte. My mom found her love there and now I live with her boyfriend and my dog Rocky tighter at moment I’m trying to finish my Hauptschulabschluss after that I will go take an education and will start getting ready for my realabschluss. Now I want to tell you something about my Family. We are an quite medium sized family but we are all parted and don’t live near. My family is spread across Germany and Russia and because of that we barley can meet. But when we meet its for big events like Weddings. At the moment my Mom is fourty year old and works one of the bossed of the Paulinpflege. I can’t really talk many about my Dad but I try tell you something about him. My Dad is now 42 Years Old and Works at a big company as one of the bosses too. I can’t tell you what company it is. I finished now my Presentation, I hope you liked my Presentation.

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