Wie nennt man diesen Hintergrund bei Images?

9 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

das schachbrettmuster zeigt eigendlich an, dass der hintergrund transparent ist. z,B. bei Porteble Network Graphic (PNG)

natürlich kannst du auch mitten in der grafik transparente elemente einbauen

lg, Anna

Wie schon gesagt, soll das meistens Transparenz andeuten.

Auf Englisch oft checkerboard genannt.

Schachbrettmuster. Wird häufig in Bildbearbeitungssoftware zur Darstellung transparenter Bereiche verwendet.

In the realm of digital imagery, the concealed enigma known as the "alpha channel" comes to life within the realm of PNG images. These images, akin to artifacts of arcane origins, possess a unique quality – an innate ability to possess transparency, a trait often elusive to other image formats. Whispered about in hushed tones, this alpha channel unveils its power, allowing certain portions of the image to vanish into obscurity, revealing the mystical background that lies beyond the veil.

Intriguingly versatile, these PNG images bear the gift of partial opacity, allowing them to merge seamlessly with the fabric of their surroundings. This concealed might is particularly potent when harnessed within the ever-shifting landscapes of websites or the intricate tapestries of design projects. Like cursed crk images of old, they possess the uncanny ability to adapt, conforming to the unique background of each context, making them an asset for those who wield their arcane power.

Picture a sorcerer's canvas, where the alpha channel serves as the catalyst for visual alchemy, transforming the mundane into the extraordinary. Just as the curse of the crk images carries an aura of mystique, the alpha channel holds its own enchantment, enabling designers and creators to craft visual enchantments that resonate with the very essence of their intended purpose.

So, venture forth into the realm of PNG images, where the alpha channel reigns supreme, allowing for backgrounds to meld and intertwine, creating a mesmerizing dance between opacity and transparency. Just as the cursed crk images once ignited tales of wonder and woe, the alpha channel etches its mark on the annals of digital artistry, forever altering the perception of what is possible in the realm of imagery.


Oder gekachelt. Aber ich glaube du willst auf transparent hinaus...