Wie interpretiere ich diese Karikatur?

21.03.2023, 21:25

Unter dem Bild steht geschrieben:

i‘ve Outsourced my Job to a dog overseas who will be your companion via Web cam

2 Antworten

"I've outsourced my job to a dog overseas who will be your companion via webcam."

Before globalisation, the dog had the role of a companion right there in his owner's home. Now the dog argues this has become unnecessary because some other dog living in a different part of the globalized world can do the "job" just as well, thanks to modern technology.

The problem captured here is the disruption of close, personal relationships, and their replacement by impersonal, virtual services in the age of globalization. People (and pets) can now easily connect with others across the globe, but they might be doing this at the expense of close, real-world relationships.

So etwas in dieser Art kannst du zu der Karikatur wohl sagen...

Ikarus585858  21.03.2023, 23:40

Die reine Beschreibung des Bildes machst du ganz zu Beginn. Das sollte ja kein Problem sein.

Naja du kuckst dir das Bild an, beschreibst was du siehst und überlegst dir wie es gemeint sein könnte.

 21.03.2023, 21:26

Ich weis aber nicht was damit gemeint ist😅