Was ist Sherlock Holmes' Lieblingsfarbe?

2 Antworten

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John looked at the ceiling for a moment in thought.  “All right, what is your favourite colour?”


Discomfort flew across Sherlock’s face before boredom intentionally replaced it.  “Out of everything you could ask for you choose such insignificant information?”


Like a dog that wouldn’t let go of a toy, John pressed on. “Well if it’s so insignificant you should be able to answer it easily then shouldn’t you?”


Giving in, Sherlock mumbled, “Pink.”


John leaned forward and huffed out a brief laugh. “Really? Pink is your favourite colour?”

Sherlock nodded.


;-) Pink ....

keenat  04.03.2017, 15:16

Dir ist aber schon klar, dass das nicht von Arthur Conan Doyle ist, sondern Fanfiction zur BBC Serie "Sherlock"???!!!