Vorstellen in Englisch(7.Klasse) - Suche gute Wörter zum einbauen; Hilfe gesucht!

5 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


(First of all, / Let me first say) Hello!

My name is Celia, but many people call me Lia. ... is my surname /My surname is …. ** I spell that --*-.. I live in a little village near ..., it's called .. and the street name's Eigerstrasse. I'm German, but I have already lived in Switzerland for 4 years

(Noch besser wäre Present Perfect Progressive, um die Dauer zu betonen. Ich weiß aber nicht, ob ihr die Zeit schon hattet: I have already been living ….

I'm 12 years old, but in four months I will be (turn) 13. My birthday's on the 15th of April. I don't watch TV very often, because I don't like to sit on the couch and watch something stupid.

I like nature more than always sitting at home. My best friend Lilli liveS in .., that's why we don't see (each other) very often.

we don’t see much of each other. I have one (a) sister, her name's Antonia and her short name (nickname) 's Tona or Deytona...

My favourite colour is green, my favourite food is.., my favourite band is..

fernsehen = watch TV

sich sehen = see

Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

:-) AstridDerPu

ich korrigier den text mal ein wenig okay? damit es besser klingt ;)

Hello at first(das mit dem at first klingt doof, sag doch einfach hello. wenns formal sein soll (zu einem lehrer oder so) sag doch good morning). My name is Celia, but many people call me Lia. ... is my surname. I spell that --*-.. I live in a little village near ..., it's called .. and the street name's Eigerstrasse. I'm German, but i live in Switzerland for already for years. I'm 12 years old, but in four months i'll become 13. My birthday's on the 15.of april. I don't watch often TV, because i don't like sitting on the couch and looking something stupid. I like the nature more. My best friend - Lilli lives in .., that's why we don't see each other very often. I have one sister, her name's Antonia and her short name's Tona or Deytona...

naja also gleich der erste satz da fehlt das verb at first i will tell you sth about me than bout my friend .... beim datum musst du sagen 15th of april tv and look stupid things. i think the nature is more intesting ilike it, cause.... aber du musst auf jeden fall noch mehr schreiben und auch begründen warum.... sry mehr weiß ich nich und ob das jz besser wird weiß ich auch nich ich bin erst 9.

 12.12.2010, 16:22
  1. wenn man schreibt, something stupid, ist es falsch, wenn man something stupid things schreibt. Denn in something ist das thing drin. Und das Hello at first wollte ich eh nicht, ich wollte somethin' 'bout me schreiben.. und das mit der natur ist richtig! Und ich hab wegen guten Wörtern gefragt, nicht nur zum korrigieren.
 12.12.2010, 15:30

ich habe noch viel mehr geschrieben, da es ja auch 3 Minuten lang werden muss. Aber danke..!


ich korrigiere mal dein Grammatik einbisschen. Hello at first. My name is Celia, I'm often called Lia. ... is my surname, which is spelled --*-.. I live in the little village ... near ..., and the streets name is Eigerstrasse. I'm a 12-year-old German girl, but living already for 4 years in Switzerland. On 15th April is my 13th birthday this year. I don't watch often TV, because i don't like sitting on the couch and watching something stupid. I'm more the nature-type. My best friend, her name is Lilli, lives in .., so unfortunately we dont meet often. I have a sister, her name's Antonia and her short name's Tona or Deytona...

hm ich würde sagen: I dont't watch TV often und Lilli lives in.. und : that's why we can't see us very often