Kreative Geschichte für englisch?

2 Antworten

Once upon a time it was a little unicorn. 

His name was fluffy. Fluffy have a dream , he want in the real world. He lives in a magic world , the dreamtopia. On this pace are magical stuff and animals! On the end from dreamtopia is a very big door to the real world. Fluffy will go to this door and go to the real world with humans. 

Its monday fluffy woke up luckly and go breakfasting. 

,,What is? Why you are so lucky?" say the mom from fluffy

,,Oh , i want go to a very cool place now!" 

,,Ok ! 

Fluffy go out and run to the end from dreamtopia. The door was very big and was red. 

,,I go !" 

Fluffy go into the door ... his dream is true. He´s in the real world

Hoffe ich konnte helfen XD

Damit es eben "kreativ" ist und auch von dir kommt, probier eine Mindmap, od. sowas in der Art, zu erstellen, indem du alles was dir einfällt hinschreibst und dann am Ende ein Zusammenhang zwischen deine Stichpunkte suchst und eventuell eine Geschichte schreibst.