Kennt jemand das " Bremer - Autocenter GmbH "? Erfahrungen?

4 Antworten

Hello, my name is Jesus and I bought a BMW 330xd in Bremer Autocenter GmbH (Bremer Strasse 118, DE-28816 Stuhr Brinkum) in September 2010. The price was OK and the car apparently was in good conditions. Nevertheless there apear a couple of incidents later on:

  • Central door locking system fails the same day I picked up the car but dealer apparently solved it inmediatly

  • The air conditioning systems fails one month later

  • I did not bought winter tyres with the car but the intention to do it in a couple of months later

Regarding the door locking systems, the dealer just made a workarround but the problem apear one week later. After sever visits to BMW in München and after plenty of calls to the Bremer dealer, he paid for the reparation but it was a completely mess (I spent hours calling this guy and a lot of time with BMW here in München)

Regarding the winter tyres, I agreed a price with Bremer Autocenter and requested him to try send to me asap (it was end of October). After plenty of call to this person during almost a month he promised to send me the tyres at least 4 times. The tyres never arrived and there were a lot of lies behind: "I was wrong with your address", "I have to leave for several days, I'll do in tomorrow"...The tyres never were sent to me and I finally bought to BMW.

Regarding the problem with the air conditioning, I notified Bremer dealer this problem and he accepted the payment of the reparation by telephone (the car was under guarantee). Nevertheless when I send him the details of the reparations and the cost, there were no news from this "specimen". No news from email, no answer from the telephone (mobile or fix). Just disapear from the earth!!!. Impossible to contact him after a couple of months trying!!"

Conclusion: Take a lot of care with this dealer and be aware if there is a problem during the guarantee period (1 year) you will be in trouble. If you can skip buying to Bremer Autocenter, my recomendation is to do it.

Die Antwort kommt zwar jetzt ziemlich spät, nur kann ich abraten dort ein Auto zu kaufen.

Es wurden Vereinbarung nicht eingehalten und die Gewährleistung/ Garantie ist wertlos.

Habe einen Motorschaden nach 8 Monaten und ca.6000 km fahrt und der Händler ist aufeinmal nicht mehr erreichbar.

Gibt doch genügend andere Autohäuser, Center oder wie auch immer. Wenn Du einen Gebrauchten kaufst lass ihn auf alle Fälle vom ADAC oder DEKRA prüfen!

Guten Abend, gibt es neue Erfahrungen ?