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1 Antwort


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 12.11.2023, 00:56


l am writing to you in response to the article : “ I , narcissist, vanity, social media, and the human condition". I would like to comment on the quote

"It‘s almost like the photographing and sharing of a cool time is more important than actually appreciating it in real life". (Ll.83-86)

In my opinion, I totally disagree with this claim. What you need to keep in mind is that there is a correlation between sharing a cool time and appreciating it in real life. For example you are about exploring , the nature and photographing it for sharing the beautyness. It does not have to mean that you did not have fun in this moment. There is no evidence to say this in general.I see your point that the most sharing their moments to gain public attention but we have to consider the fact that we do not know if they are happy or not while doing this.

It can even be a further expression to appreciating both sides. Maybe while you are recording a famous concert, you are creating good content. This aspect can cause that you receive money so that it is a win-win situation. Especially, when we Talk about passions.

You are absolutely right When you say looking 24/7 at the phone to share and photographing things instead of concentrating of the activities, it can Not be related to the appreciation.

But it can be a sign that a person wants to Keep this event as a memory to appreciate it thousand times in lifetime so the value does Not disappear, Which stresses out my view of point

All in all, the quotation consists of bias. you can do both matters at the same time. Social media can not always be represented as a scapegoat, it depends on the human. This should be an appeal to future articels on the issue.

 12.11.2023, 00:57

danke für die Rückmeldung. Wie findest du den Comment vom inhaltlichen her ?