Gute Biografie auf englisch?

3 Antworten

Eine Doppelbiographie:

Dreams and Nightmares: Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and the Struggle for Black Equality in America

by Britta Waldschmidt-Nelson

One man dreamed of a country united in true racial equality. Another saw this as a nightmare that served only the interest of wealthy whites. Both were sons of Baptist ministers. Both grew up to be icons of the civil rights movement. [...] Britta Waldschmidt-Nelson compares and contrasts these two giants in her fascinating dual biography. She offers a concise account of their lives, accomplishments, and challenges. In a crisp, fascinating narrative, she reveals the interconnectedness of their goals, their visions, and their legacies. Most provocative, she suggests what might have been, as their philosophies began to converge, were it not for a pair of assassins' bullets. (

Hallo... Mir gefällt die Biografie von Steve Jobs sehr gut hoffe ich konnte dir helfen

Von Oscar Pistorius😊Aber recht schwer zu lesen,kommt drauf an wie alt du bist