Eurocom über Dubai überprüfen

2 Antworten

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Hello today i tell you something about Dubai. Here you can see my structure BILD. So have a look to my first point : Facts about Dubai BILD

Dubai is one of the seven emiratates of the Unitet Arab Emirates (short UAE)and with 3.900 km² and a population of 1,8 million Komma Dubai is also the most populous emirate of the UAE Komma althought it isn't the capital (By the way : the capital is Abu Dhabi) Folien. Dubai is very rich kein Komma because there are big oil reserves, but in 20 years Dubais oil is empty. So the rich people build hotels for the tourist and give companys free space to build there factories and Company buildings. And they build very much. In 2005 Komma 25% of all active cranes ??

where in Dubai BILD. Here you can see dubai in 1990 BILD Thats the same street in 2003 BILD And this picture is from 2007 BILD. Today Komma Dubai have about 220 Skyscrapers.

Lets go on with my seccond Point : Sights in Dubai BILD

Dubai have many sights Komma for example Komma The Dubai Mall Bild. „“

Hier fehlt etwas is the biggest mall of the world. With a gigant size hier fehlt etwas about 1 Million m², 1200 shops and 35 million visitors per year you can name it a mega mall. The Dubai mall has also 120 restaurants, The biggest Aquarium

of the world BILD, a ice rink BILD and a big skipark BILD.

Another big sight is the palm island Jumeirah BILD. The only way to arrive hier fehlt eine Präposition the artificial island is to take the monorail BILD. Jumeirah have 560 hektar area and consists of three parts.

The Trunk is 5km long, 600 meters (= AE; BE = metres) wide and have 17 fronds ??? hier fehlt scheint's etwas the semicircle protekts the island for waves. There are many atractions like a shopping centers (siehe: meters) Komma many hotels and a big water park. But Jumeirah was only the beginning. In 20 years Komma there will be many islands. BILD

The last sight I show you is the Burj Khalifa BILD. Whith its 828m Komma the Burj Khalifa is the highest building of the world. There are 189 floors, 2900 stairs and 57 elevators. In the first 40 floors hier fehlt etwas are hotel rooms. Hier fehlt eine Präposition The next 80 floors hier fehlt etwas are offices and suites. On the 123 floor hier fehlt etwas is the skylobby and one floor higher hier fehlt etwas is the viewing platform. Here you can see a picture of the view BILD. In front of the building hier fehlt etwas is the Dubai Lake and every night there's a 10 minute long water fountain show. VIDEO These water fountains are up to 150 meters s.o. high.

This was my presentation I hope you liked it. Do you have any questions?

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

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:-) AstridDerPu

AstridDerPu  20.11.2012, 14:00

Schön, dass dir meine Antwort gefallen hat und danke für das Sternchen!

:-) AstridDerPu



Hello today i tell you something about Dubai. Here you can see my structure BILD. So have a look to my first point : Facts about Dubai BILD

Dubai is one of the seven emiratates of the Unitet Arab Emirates (short UAE)and with 3.900 km² and a population of 1,8 million Dubai is also the most populous emirate of the UAE althought it isn't the capital (By the way : the capital is Abu Dhabi) Folien. Dubai is very rich, because there are big oil reserves, but in 20 years Dubais oil is empty. So the rich people build hotels for the tourist and give companys free space to build there factories and Company buildings. And they build very much. In 2005 25% of all active cranes where in Dubai BILD. Here you can see dubai in 1990 BILD Thats the same street in 2003 BILD And this picture is from 2007 BILD. Today Dubai have about 220 Skyscrapers.

Lets go on with my seccond Point : Sights in Dubai BILD

Dubai have many sights for example The Dubai Mall Bild. „“ is the biggest mall of the world. With a gigant size about 1Million m², 1200 shops and 35 million visitors per year you can name it a mega mall. The Dubai mall has also 120 restaurants, The biggest Aquarium of the world BILD, a ice rink BILD and a big skipark BILD.

Another big sight is the palm island Jumeirah BILD. The only way to arrive the artificial island is to take the monorail BILD. Jumeirah have 560 hektar area and consists of three parts.The Trunk is 5km long, 600 meters wide and have 17 fronds the semicircle protekts the island for waves. There are many atractions like a shopping centers many hotels and a big water park. But Jumeirah was only the beginning. In 20 years there will be many islands. BILD

The last sight I show you is the Burj Khalifa BILD. Whith its 828m the Burj Khalifa is the highest building of the world. There are 189 floors, 2900 stairs and 57 elevators. In the first 40 floors are hotel rooms. The next 80 floors are offices and suites. On the 123 floor is the skylobby and one floor higher is the viewing platform. Here you can see a picture of the view BILD. In front of the building is the Dubai Lake and every night there's a 10 minute long water fountain show. VIDEO These water fountains are up to 150 meters high.

This was my presentation I hope you liked it. Do you have any questions?