Englisch: I think/in my opinion...?

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meine Vorschläge für "Meiner Meinung nach", "Ich finde dass" und ein wenig weitergefasst bzw. differenzierter:

- it is my conviction that

- as far as I am concerned

- to my mind

- I take the view that

- I look at it this way

- I take the opinion that

- I am in two minds about

- I doubt that

- I am uncertain about this

- I am doubtful whether

- it is all the same to me

- I do not mind whether

- it does not concern me

- it is none of my business

- I have no interest in

- I want to bring to your attention

- I would like to draw your attention to the fact

- Let me point out to you

- I have reached the conclusion

- I have come to the conclusion

- I have formed the opinion

- when all the arguments are considered

- comparing all the advantages and disatvantages

- comparing all the pros and cons

- I would like to put it in fewest possible words

- In a nutshell


Eigentlich sollte man solche einleitenden Phrasen vermeiden und direkt die Meinung so darlegen, dass sie überzeugend und klar erschließbar ist.

Dennoch gibt es Kontexte, in denen du dich solcher Einleitungen bedienen kannst, z.B. zur Abgrenzung von anderen Meinungen.


From my perspective...

I consider this to be...

To me, it appears as...

My thought is...

As far as I am concerned...

My point of view with respect to...

It seems to me that...

In my honest opinion / from my point of view, in machen Fällen geht auch “I find”. e.g. I found the metaphor in line 2 quite interesting..

From my point of view...

I guess...

I suppose...

I believe...

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – staatlich anerkannte Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin

In my opinion, ________.

To my mind, _______.

As far as I‘m concerned, ______.

In my eyes, _______.

According to my point of view, _______.

I believe/guess/suppose that_________.

My belief is that ________.

As I see it, _______.

My attitude is that _______.

My stance is that _______.

From my point of view, _______.

I think that _______.

It seems to me that ________.

My position is that ________.

I am under the impression that ______.

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung