Charakterisierung verbessern!

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


zusätzlich zu Koschutnig würde ich noch folgendes (fett gedruckt) ändern:

In the following text, I am going to describe

(hier wäre zu überlegen, ob man evtl. das Present Progressive benutzt, also I am describing. Die Unterschiede in der Verwendung sind aber so gering, dass man das going-to future hier aber auch gelten lassen kann)

Angus Bethune, a fat kid and outsider who attends Lake Michigan High School and dreams of his "moment". He gets it on the dance floor of his school, during the Winter Ball with the Winter Ball Queen, Melissa Lefevre,a girl he had (already) fallen in love with in kindergarten (already).

Angus is elected Winter Ball King because Rick Sanford, Melissa's boyfriend, a rich and rude boy, pays the students for voting for Angus.

As the Ball King, Angus has to dance with her, with a girl he had never even talked to before. And the worst thing is that he cannot dance at all, but he is a very good footballer and fighter.When they dance, Melissa's boyfriend, who is drunk, sees them and calls Melissa a bitch, and he wants to start a fight with Angus.

Schriftlich sollten keine Kurzformen wie I'm oder can't usw. verwendet werden, sondern die Langformen, also I am oder cannot usw.

:-) AstridDerPu

AstridDerPu  15.06.2011, 22:44

Schön, dass dir meine Antwort gefallen hat. Hoffentlich hat's geholfen.

Danke für das Sternchen!

:-) AstridDerPu


In the following text I`m going to describe Angus Bethune, a fat kid and outsider who goes to Lake Michigan High School and dreams of his "moment". He gets it on the dance floor of his school, during Winter Ball with the Winter Ball Queen, Melissa Lefevre,a girl he had fallen in love with in kindergarden already. ** Because Rick** Sanford, Melissa's boyfriend, a rich and rude boy, pays the students for voting for Angus, Angus is elected Winter Ball King and must dance with her, with a girl he had never even talked to before. And the worst thing is that he can't dance at all, but he is a very good footballer and fighter.When they dance, Melissa's boyfriend, who is drunk, sees them and calls Melissa a bitch, and he wants to start a fight with Angus.