Cartoonanalyse in Englisch ( Bitte hilft mir )

Das Cartoon - (Englisch, Grammatik)

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

In the cartoon, which is a black-and-white drawing, you can see two men that are facing each other. The man on the left is small and lean. His clothes are torn. The man on the right appears to be strong and wealthy because of his business suit and bag. The cartoon includes a speech which is called "Australian mateship and the use of the word Mate". In addition to that there are two speech bubbles. The smaller man asks the taller man: "Exuse me mate. Could you spare a couple of dollars for a cup of coffee?". The strong man answers: "Sorry mate."

The words in the cartoon underline the cartoonists message. The cartoonist wants to show the viewer that the word mate does not always have the same meaning. You can say that there are two types of mateship. One of them is, that mates spend a lot of time together and tell eachother their secrets. But in this cartoon the viewer gets the impression that the men meet for the first time and they are not mates. The small man wants the strong man to help him but he did not want to do that and excused himself in a friendly way.. But its apparent, that, apart of the clothes, he has enough money and could spend some of it. With that, the cartoonist shows, that australian people are friendly and polite to eachother and for this reason they use the word "Mate". But this situation does not agree to the real meaning of "mateship", because real mates would always help eachother. In this cartoon, the strong man is avaricous but he excuses himself politely.

der letzte Abschnitt is ok, außer dem letzten Wort (peoples-->people)

 15.11.2014, 21:05

Vielen Dank !!


In the cartoon, which is Hier fehlt der unbestimmte Artikel. black-and-white drawing (wirklich schwarz-weiß?), you can see two men, which
are standing to each other. The man on the left side is little and lean. His clothes are cracked. The other man on the right side appears Hier fehlt etwas. strong and wealthy because of his buisness suit and bag.

The cartoon includes a speech that is called Australian mateship and the use of the wordMate``. In addition Komma there are two speechs bubbles. The little man asks to the big man, "Exuse me mate. Could you spare a couple of dollars for a cup of coffee", and the strong man answers, "Sorry Mate".

The words in the cartoon underline the cartonnists message. The cartoonist wants to show (---) the viewer that the wordmate
have not always the same meaning.

You can say that there are two types of mateship. One of the type is that mates spend much time Hier fehlt etwas. and tell their secrets etc. But in this cartoon the viewer gets the impression that the mens meet for the first time and they are notmates. The little man wants that the strong man helps him
Komma but he did not want and he excused himself in a friendly way.

But you know appart of the clothes that he has enough money, so he could spend money. The cartoonist expresses thtat Australian peoples are friendly and polite to each other and for this reason they use the wordmate. But this situation does not agree thereal`mateship because real mates would always help themselves. In this cartoon Komma
is the strong man avaricious (word order)
Komma but he excuses him politely.

I think the cartoon is easy to understand because if you know what mateship means in Australia, it is clear that in this case friendship does not have the same meaning. Therefore you find out that the word mate has several meanings for Australian peoples.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B.,

für die Grammatik und


 15.11.2014, 21:03

Vielen Dank !!!