Bedeutung von Thrawns logo?

1 Antwort

The chimaera was a three-headed monstrous creature used as a symbol of various individuals and organizations during the waning years of the Galactic Republic and the subsequent reigns of the Galactic Empire and the New Republic.

Originally the symbol of the Marocsaa subclan of the Paccosh, it came to become the personal insignia of the Chiss Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo. As such, it came to be associated with Imperial personnel under Thrawn's command and even the namesake and ventral decal of Thrawn's flagship Star Destroyer the Chimaera.

Mitth'raw'nuruodo, better known as "Thrawn," originally came across the chimaera as a Senior Captain of the Chiss Ascendancy[1] around 19 BBY.[2] At the time, most of the galaxy outside the Unknown Regions was ruled by either the Galactic Republic or the Confederacy of Independent Systems; two parties locked in the pan-galactic Clone Wars.[3]

While investigating an attack on a refugee ship at the edge of Chiss space, Thrawn journeyed to the Rapacc system, from where the dead refugees came. There, Thrawn encountered a Paccosh named Uingali foar Marocsaa and his translator, who warned the Chiss that the Paccosh feared extinction at the hands of their conquerers, the Nikardun Destiny. Fearing the loss of his people's memory in the knowledge of history, Uingali entrusted Thrawn with a treasured ring of his clan depicting a chimaera, so that the Marocsaa subclan would be remembered if the worst should happen.[1]

The next year,[4] Thrawn returned to Rapacc, finding its people freed of their Nikardun oppressors. Thrawn met Uingali, by then an official within the Paccian Governance, and saw that his old friend now commanded a captured Nikardun blockade frigate bearing a chimaera on its underside. Thrawn returned the Marocsaa subclan ring to Uingali,[5] but the Paccosh would eventually send it back to Thrawn as a gift in honor of the aid he had given their people which Thrawn accepted out of respect and was one of the few personal items he took with him upon his exile, later coming to adopt the chimaera symbol as his personal insignia.[6]

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