Abo bei Mylowcarb.diet kündigen?

1 Antwort

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

steht in den AGB

5.8.4. IF CLIENT DOES NOT WISH FOR SERVICE TO AUTOMATICALLY RENEW, he may elect to cancel the subscription at least 48 hours before the end of current period, in which case, the Services will be terminated upon expiration of the then current term, unless he manually renews the Services prior to that date.

5.8.5. If Client have purchased the subscription on Companies website, Client will not be able to control it through the Apple App Store or Google Play. Instead, Client may easily cancel the subscription by logging in to the Users Account on Companies website or contacting the support team.

5.8.6. If Client have purchased the subscription through the Apple App Store or Google Play, client might cancel the subscription only through his Apple or Google Account. Client understands that deleting the app does not cancel the subscriptions.