2. Aufsatz gut formuliert?

4 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

There is a restaurant and it is very popular here (das erste "here" würde ich weglassen, sonst wiederholst du dich). The name of the restaurant is Balböabla and my village has a tourist attraction. The attraction is a mini prison and there is a distillery under the prison. In the neighboring (falls du British English schreibst, dann wäre es neighbouring mit u drin, ansonsten richtig) village is an old school. The name of the village is Blablabla and this village is also very small. In another neighboring village, there is a popular winery. The name of the village is blbala. Well, (Yes klingt komisch, Well heißt sowas wie "Nun ja", "naja" und das passt besser) this is my hometown. I hope you like my village.

Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung – Muttersprachlich mit Engl., Arab. & Deutsch aufgewachsen.

Verbesserte Fassung:

There is a restaurant here and it´s very popular. The name of the restaurant is "Balböabla". My village has got a tourist attraction which is a mini prison and under it, there is a distillery. At the village next to, which name is "Blablabla", is an very old school. The village is very small. At another village around here there is a popular winery. This village has got the name "blbala".

That´s my hometown and the region around it!

So würde ich es schreiben. Vor allem an der Rechtschreibung müsstest du noch arbeiten.

Naja welche Klasse?

ilovehermine  07.05.2020, 20:09

Für Nachfragen gibt es inzwischen oben einen Button, da musst du auf "Nachfrage stellen" klicken. Das haben die eingerichtet, damit man sowas nicht als eigene Antwort einstellt. :)

 07.05.2020, 20:04

9.HAHAHQ englisch ist eben einfach nicht mein Ding :/


We have a very polular restaurant in our little town. Its name is is Balböabla and my village is a tourist attraction. The main attraction is a mini prison and there is a destillery built under the prison. In the neighbour village , called Blabla  is an old school  and this village is also very small. In another village there is a popular winery. The name of this village is blbala. All the villages are very small but intersting and the tourists love them.  I hope you can visit my village in the future and I am sure you will like it