Talk about youself (Oral Exam English) Hilfe?


ich habe morgen meine mündliche Englisch Prüfung und bräuchte dringend Verbesserungsvorschläge was ich ungefähr sagen kann, hier wäre mein Text. Kann ihn mir jemand überarbeiten so das da keine Fehler drin sind? Ich muss ungefähr 3-5 minuten über mich reden und es wäre super wenn jemand meinen Text verbessern könnte oder mir andere Satzanfänge gibt oder bessere Wörter die nicht so „deutsch“ klingen. Danke schonmal im Vorraus <3

My name is ___ I am 16 years old and I was born in _____ on the 4th of November 2004 so my Star sign is Scorpio. I live in a House with my parents, my mom is 51 years old and my dad 57 years old, I also have a brother and he is 27 years old. Both of my parents are working as a gardener and my brother works as a technician. My parents hobbies are singing and dancing and to do photography and my brother hobbies are reading and sports. In my freetime I really love watching Netflix shows, one of my favorite shows are Skins and The Vampire Diaries these are literally the best shows I’ve ever seen. What I also like to do is picnic with my friends and hang out with them, another thing that I like to do is making jewellery like Chains and Rings its a new hobby I guess. I also really like to draw I love to be creative thats why my favorite subject is Art but the subject that i like the least is mathematics because i can’t handle with the numbers its too complicated and difficult for me. Anyways my favorite color is black because u can combine everything with the colour and its always looking good and simple. After school I do a job training but in the future I wanna do something with design because I am really into Fashion.

*edit: Hab in der englischen mündlichen Prüfung eine 1 danke für eure Hilfe.

Englisch, Schule, Examen

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