Characterization überprüfen- Englisch

In the following I´m going to characterize Laura and the relationship between her and her Friend Ravi. Laura is the main character in the book “The Carbon Diaries 2015”. She is a normal teenager who goes to school. She also has a sister named Kim who Laura really loves, but also she´s jealous of Kim, because their parents tread them different. When Carbon dioxide was limited, she was very unhappy with the situation, about the society, her family and her love Life with Ravi. All has change. Laura reacts over and dramatized all, because she doesn´t know how to react and what she has to feel in difficult situations. That shows that Laura is an unsure girl. She is also easy to manipulate, that demonstrate that she doesn’t really know herself and that she´s really insecure (p.80). Another character property is that she´s self-pity, sometimes depressive and very sentimental. Her private life is very important to her. She cares a lot of her band, her beginning love Ravi and the friendship to Adi and co. Laura is also very brave, but concurrently scared too. Sometimes she felt very alone, because no know cares about her. Her parents argue all time, Ravi doesn´t shows interests no more, because of his scholarship and Kim is cold-hearted and careless (p.335). When Laura kicked out of school, she realizes that she needs education (p.125). She do not get along with the difficult Situation. Everything has changed. Her family, her school notes, her friends and her love life.

Her relationship to Ravi is complicated. First they were in love with each other. Since Ravi has problems in his family, because of the difficult relationship between his parents, he only wants to get out of the city and only not because of his parents, but also because he wants to get away from the situation and the Carbon reduce. He wants to get a better life and that without his family. So Ravi wants to get a scholarship for a university in Germany. Then he wanted to study green engineering to improve the situation of his country (p.264). His education is him more important than Laura, but Laura still loves him. Ravi thinks that Laura isn´t that much important than his future. Laura cannot understand his decision. She thinks when he would really love her, he wouldn´t go to Germany and let her alone, and so they break up the contact and Laura get´s in love with Adi her previous best friend, who plays in her band. The relationship of Laura and Ravi was romantic and careful at the beginning, but then Ravi hasn´t much time for Laura and they break up.

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So grob fällt mir auf das du vielleicht noch Zeilangaben machen solltest. Dann noch Autor etc... Ansonsten ganz okay vielleicht noch ein bisschen formeller

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