Wie schreibt man auf englisch einen interview?

3 Antworten

Ein interview - an interview :)

Sagen, wer die Personen sind, und dann, was sie  zueinander sagen, z.B.

Joe: Hello, I'm Joe, pleased to meet you.

Anna: Hi, I'm Anna. Pleased to meet you too.

Joe: I have a few questions concerning your last album.

Anna: Go ahead.

Joe: Did you enjoy producing this album?

Anna: Yes, it was great fun.


A:Today i'd like to ask you a few questions about..
B:Yes, sure
A:How are you?
B:Fine, thanks
A:Firstly i'd like to ask you the question..

dann fragst du die fragen, ich denke das bekommst du allein hin

Und zum schluss:
A: thank you for taking time for this interview
B: No problem