Wie macht man bei LoL den "Base-rückruf"?

3 Antworten

Die Taste "b" musst du dafür einmal drücken. Möglicherweise benutzt du die für was anderes, dann solltest du in den Einstellungen mal nachschauen und da eine Taste einstellen. Auch wenn es schon eine gibt dafür.

Default ist der "B" Knopf ...

Chat commands"Enter" = Toggles chat (default: Send message to allies only)
/help or /? = Lists / commands and provides descriptions

/all or "shift + enter" = Sends message to all players in the game
/w or /msg "<UserName>" <message> = Sends private message to player of UserName
/r = Respond to the last person who whispered you
/mute "<UserName>" = Block communication from a player.
/ignore or /squelch "<UserName>" = Syncs with your PVP.net ignore list and preventing you from receiving messages people on your ignore list in game
/buddylist = Prints all active players on your buddy list to the chat window.
/surrender or /ff = Starts vote for team surrender
/nosurrender or /noff = Votes against surrendering

Shift+1 or /joke or /j = Plays champion's joke track
Shift+2 or /taunt or /t = Plays champion's taunt track and animation
Shift+3 or /dance or /d = Starts champion's dance sequence
Shift+4 or /laugh or /l = Plays champion's laugh track and animation

*Note* /taunt, /joke, /laugh are spatialized - you should only hear it when the camera is near champion.

"x" = Attack
"q / w / e / r" = use champion skill
"alt-q/alt-w/alt-e/alt-r" = will cast the spell on yourself if it is self-castable
"shift-q/shift-w/shift-e/shift-r" = will cast the spell under your mouse cursor if applicable.
"ctrl-q/ctrl-w/ctrl-e/ctrl-r" = level up that skill.
"d" = Summoner spell 1
"f" = Summoner spell 2
"a" = Attack Move
"s" = Stop
"H" = holding down Hold ‘H’ works like stop until it’s lifted.
"1 - 6" = Use item in its respective slot
"b" or "7" = Blue Pill

"z" = Brings up chat history
Arrow Keys = Scrolls screen
"c" = Opens hero stats page
"p" - Open Shop Window
"Tab" = Opens match stats page

"g" = Toggles ping cursor
"y" = Locks camera on champion
"spacebar" = Centers camera on champion

"L"= Cycles through minion healthbar views
"shift-L" = Turn off/on champion healthbars
"shift-K" = Turn off/on summoner names.
"Ctrl+F" = Toggle option for the FPS and Latency indicators

"alt+left click" = Pings location
"alt+right click" = Control minion movement (Like Tibbers)
"shift-right click" = attack move

"F1" = Select self
"F2 / F3 / F4 / F5" = Select teammate 1-4
"F12" = Takes screenshot
"Esc" = Brings up game options menu

verreisterNutzer  09.07.2016, 20:50

Danke, Ich wollte eigentlich nur 1 Taste wissen aber egal... jezt weiß ich eben alle Komands!


Ach, auf der deutschen Tastatur sind y und z getauscht, da das die englischen (oder amerikanischen?) Hotkeys ;)

Katifram  09.07.2016, 22:20

na ja, aber du brauchst für den Backport bzw. Recall weder die y noch die z taste XD

Ueribu  10.07.2016, 10:19

Das stimmt, aber die Funktionen der Hotkeys mit den Tasten y und z sind in der guten langen Liste (für uns Deutsche) vertauscht ;)