Was bedeutet BaXXXse?

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Das habe ich gefunden

Well in the dub, (which I've always thought was better in this show's case) when they say that, a thing pops up on the screen that says

Note: "Balse" is an incantation used to destroy the flying castle Laputa

As to why it's censored, it might be a video game reference and many references like that get censored in anime, probably because they couldn't get the rights to say it or something along those lines. Lucky Star is a perfect example of this as it happens frequently throughout the anime.

Achso, ich habe die stelle gefunden.

Das heißt nichts, ist ausgedacht der begriff.

Edit: habe mal im light novel geschaut, glaube die stelle kommt da garnicht vor. Im light novel sagen sie nur "They had neither means of reaching Avant Heim nor any method of contacting them." und dann kommt steph vorbei.