Unterschied "fate", "destiny"

5 Antworten

Ich hoffe, Dein Englisch ist gut genug: Ich zitiere:

Destiny is changeable by the individual, fate is not.

Destiny versus fate

Although the words are used interchangeably in many cases, fate and destiny can be distinguished. Modern usage defines fate as a power or agency that predetermines and orders the course of events. Fate defines events as ordered or "inevitable". Fate is used in regard to the finality of events as they have worked themselves out; and that same sense of finality, projected into the future to become the inevitability of events as they will work themselves out, is Destiny. In classical and European mythology, there are three goddesses dispensing fate, The "Fates" known as Moirae in Greek mythology, as Parcae in Roman mythology, and Norns in Norse mythology; they determine the events of the world through the mystic spinning of threads that represent individual human destinies.

One word derivative of "fate" is "fatality", another "fatalism". Fate implies no choice, and ends fatally, with a death. Fate is an outcome determined by an outside agency acting upon a person or entity; but with destiny the entity is participating in achieving an outcome that is directly related to itself. Participation happens willfully.

Used in the past tense, "destiny" and "fate" are both more interchangeable, both imply "one's lot" or fortunes, and include the sum of events leading up to a currently achieved outcome (e.g. "it was her destiny to be leader" and "it was her fate to be leader").




Es kommt drauf an, was der Satz ausdrücken soll. Der Zusammenhang wäre hilfreich

Generell ist... -destiny, das Schiksal im Sinne der (z.B.göttliche)Vorhersehung oder eine (höhere) Bestimmung.Also um etwas/jemanden einem(einzigst"Diesem")Zweck zuschreiben. So das es garnicht anders sein kann/darf. (Also frei von Kausalität/Konsequenzen)

-fate, das Schiksal im Sinne von Konsequenzen wie ein (z.B. selbstverschuldetes)Verhängnis oder (glückliches)Geschick. Also um zu erklären warum etwas Un-/wahrscheinliches eintrift oder nicht. So als sei der "Ausgang" unweigerlich klar (ohne berücksichtigung/infrage stellen der "Restwahrscheinlichkeit").


destiny und fate können gegeneinander ausgetauscht werden, da sie im Prinzip dasselbe bedeuten.

Definitionen schaut man am besten in einem einsprachigen Dictionary nach, z.B. hier


  • destiny: the hidden power believed to control future events; fate
  • fate: the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power

:-) AstridDerPu

Es ist imprinzip das gleiche.

Destiny ist eher mehr Positiver als Fate.

Im deutschen Sinne ist Dein Satz "Bestimmung" ( nämlich zukunftsorientiert) =Destiny