speaking Englisch Überleitungen

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Ein guter Anfang:

Wiederhole das Thema oder einen Teil davon und vermeide so eine Themenverfehlung.


  • In the nineteenth century,

  • For many years now,

  • Last summer,


  • In Britain,

  • All over the world,


My friend Tony

Andere Aufsatzanfänge:

  • Once upon a time (Märchenanfang)

  • First of all,

  • With reference to

  • Perhaps you already know/perhaps you are already aware that

Nützliche Redewendungen:

  • first of all
  • firstly
  • to begin with
  • initially
  • in any case
  • certainly
  • on no condition
  • under no cirumstances
  • therefore
  • as a result of this
  • as a consequence of

  • in my opinion

  • it is my conviction that
  • as far as I am concerned
  • to my mind
  • I take the view that
  • I look at it this way
  • I take the opinion that

  • I am in two minds about

  • I doubt that
  • I am uncertain about this
  • I am doubtful whether

  • it is all the same to me

  • I do not mind whether
  • it does not concern me
  • it is none of my business
  • I have no interest in

  • on the contrary

  • contrarily
  • in opposition with
  • in contrast to
  • on the other hand

  • in comparison with

  • by way of comparison

  • we must take into account that

  • we must bear in mind that
  • we must consider that

  • I want to bring to your attention

  • I would like to draw your attention to the fact
  • Let me point out to you

  • in any case

  • whatever may happen
  • at all events

  • under no condition

  • under no circumstances
  • there is no way that

  • under the condition that

  • provided that
  • it all depends (up)on

  • however

  • on the other hand

  • furthermore

  • additionally

  • I have reached the conclusion

  • I have come to the conclusion
  • I have formed the opinion

  • last of all

  • finally
  • eventually
  • in conclusion
  • lastly

  • when all the arguments are considered

  • comparing all the advantages and disatvantages
  • comparing all the pros and cons

  • I would like to put it in fewest possible words

  • In a nutshell

Adverbien die am Satzanfang stehen können, sind z.B.:

• Firstly

• Initially

• Certainly

• Therefore

• Contrarily

• However

• Furthermore

• Moreover

• Additionally

• Finally

• Eventually

• Lastly

• Fortunately

• Perhaps

• Luckily

• Briefly

• Honestly

• Personally

• Understandably

• Obviously

• Apparently

• Of course

• Yesterday

• Sometimes

Nützlich sind sicher auch Konjunktionen (conjunctions) wie z.B.:

after = nach; although = obwohl; and = und; because = weil; both .... and = sowohl als auch; but= aber; either .... or = entweder oder; even though = obwohl; however = jedoch; if = wenn, falls; in order to = um zu; neither .... nor = weder noch; nevertheless = dennoch, trotzdem; not only .... but as well/but also = nicht nur, sondern auch; or = oder; since = da ja, weil; so = deshalb; so that - so dass; that = welcher, -e, -es (für Dinge, Tiere, Personen); that's why = deshalb; though = obwohl; to = um zu; when = als; whereas = wohingegen; while = während;

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Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir helfen!

:-) AstridDerPu

 17.03.2013, 12:44

Hallo AstridDerPu,

danke für diese vielen tollen Überleitungen. ich hoffe auch, dass ich sie nicht vergesse, die zum anwenden. Eine echt hilfreiche Antwort!! :)

AstridDerPu  19.03.2013, 16:24

Schön, dass dir meine Antwort gefallen hat und danke für das Sternchen!

:-) AstridDerPu