Pretty Little Liars ~ Spencer Hastings und Mona Vanderwaal Zitate

4 Antworten

Spencer: She's gone, but she's everywhere.

Spencer: You know what they say about hope. It breeds eternal misery.

Hanna: Hello? Is anybody out there? Spencer: Its probably a rabbit. Hanna [calls out]: Helloooo? Spencer: It's a rabbit, Hanna. It's not gonna answer you.

Spencer [to Toby]: The whole message reads BAD, what does that mean? Am I supposed to go buy an old Michael Jackson album?

Spencer [about Aria being with Mr. Fitz]: Part of me thinks this is really self-destructive behavior. Most of me just thinks it's really hot.

Emily: Sometimes when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Spencer: Why are you talking like Ben Franklin?

Spencer: You don't paper over windows unless you're a vampire.

Spencer: Mona is five feet of insidious snark with a side ponytail,and I just... I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.

Spencer [skeptically, with regards to her sister's evening plans]: Church? Melissa: Planning a christening. Spencer: Isn’t that a little premature? What if it’s not born a human?

Spencer [to Aria]: Come on, we're team Sparia.

Spencer: He's your boyfriend, Aria. He's not a baby squirrel. Aria: I was just trying to do the right thing. Spencer: Totally wrong. Look, I've been there, I've done that. Every time you baby squirrel Ezra, you're taking away his nuts. Aria: You did not just say that.

Spencer: These are my most collegiate-looking blazers.

Spencer: B is for bad.

Spencer: You gotta love the Hastings. I just get released from a mental hospital, and they welcome my friends with tea and crumpets.

Spencer: Mom, I am not a sofa!

Emily: How am I supposed to live in that house? Aria: Just hang out on the second floor. Spencer: And wear underwear at all times.

Spencer: God, why are you so mean, Dean? Dean: Because you make me tense, Spence.

Emily: You know that A is always one step ahead of us. Spencer: Yeah, maybe* is.

Spencer: We made a pact Emily. A is finally dead and we were all ready to get back to our lives and now we're back on Planet Alison.

Emily: Coincidences happen. Spencer: Yeah, all the time. They grow on trees like coconuts just waiting for you to walk under them.

Spencer: Aria, you need to take a psychological selfie right now. You’re letting your paranoia get the better of you.

Alison: You're a little loud. Spencer: You're a little crazy!

Spencer [to Jenna]: When you ask the organ grinder a question, you don't really want to hear from the monkey.

Spencer [to Alison]: I'm sorry, do we seriously have to remind you that you were never actually kidnapped?

arya11  09.09.2014, 22:08

Mona [to Hanna]: This sounds totally gay, but if I saw you struttin' it in that dress and kickin' up those heels, I would think about doing you.

Hanna: We had so much fun last summer. Mona: And some of it was even legal.

Mona [to Lucas]: You can go now. This beauty doesn't need a beast.

Mona: I was eating three almonds a day, and you were getting liposuction?

Mona [to Hanna]: I'm making sure you don't host a pity party for yourself and invite a cheese cake.

Mona [about her birthday gifts]: Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it. And if not, I'll return it.

Emily: I can't blackmail a school official. Mona: Honey, you can't be a shark if you're toothless.

Mona: People are toads.

Mona: Frankly, I'd like to take that cane and whack her like a pinata.

Mona [to Spencer]: You bit**es underestimated me.

Mona: It's easier to forgive an enemy, than it is to forgive a friend.

Mona [to Spencer]: I admire you Spencer, so I'm going to let you choose how this ends tonight. You can join the 'A-Team' or disappear.

Mona [to Aria and Hanna]: Miss Aria, you're a killer, not Ezra's wife.

Mona [to Emily, Spencer and Aria]: Look, I'll take heels over a hoodie any day of the week. But just because I'm not A anymore, doesn't mean I can't recon your asses when I need to.

Mona: And who's looking cray-cray now, Spencer?

Mona: Looks like someone's been skipping their anger management class.

Hanna: You were on the Halloween train dressed like Caleb. Mona: To think we were this close to our first kiss.

Mona [to Alison]: I don't have to hide, you do. And you're gonna wish you stayed dead.

Mona [to Aria]: Alison is "A"! And now I can prove it.

Mona: Game over Alison. I win.


Das ist nicht explizit von Spencer, eigentlich ist es ein allgemeines Zitat im angelsächsischen Sprachgebrauch. Aber gesagt hat sie es in der Serie auch mal:

“Keep your friends close. But keep your enemies closer!�?

aus “Pretty little liars�?

Caleb Rivers: The rich girls steal. The pretty girls lie. The smart girls play dumb. And the dumb girls spend their days trying to be all of the above.

Aber mein Lieblingszitat ist das immer wiederholte von Spence... Hoffnung bedeutet immer währendes Leid.

Du weißt was ich von Hoffnung halte: sie bedeutet ewig währendes Leid - Spencer Hastings