My future plans

2 Antworten

Ich würds so schreiben: I am curious how it will look like. that I am allowed to go to university. But I am not sure what I will study yet. ...which I find really interesting ...presenting and selling (du meinst doch verkaufen, oder?)... I don't know where I will live in future. Now it is only a dream but maybe it becomes true some day. I suppose that ...But also fun shouldn't be left.

So, vielleicht hab ich nochwas übersehen, aber das ist mir so spontan aufgefallen. Und ich würde vielleicht nicht fast jeden Satz mit "I" beginnen.

Hoffe, ich konnte helfen =)

 07.05.2011, 11:13




hier meine Korrekturen:

I often think about my future. I am curious what it will look like. At the moment, I am attending the 6th form at grammar school, as I would like to go to university. However,  I am not yet sure what I want to study. I was thinking about marketing and management, subjects I am really interested in because the idea of presenting and selling a product sounds good to me. I don’t know where I want to live in the future. I would like to have a flat on my own in Vienna. It is only a dream now, but maybe some day my dream will come true. I also have some plans about my family. I suppose that one day I will get married and have children. However, these are future/further plans. At present, I am trying to concentrate on my education and career. On the other hand however, I don’t want to miss out on any fun. I was thinking about traveling (= AE; BE = travelling). I have often dreamed of taking a trip around the world. I have already been to many places, such as Turkey and Italy. I really would like to visit Switzerland, America and England. I haven’t been there yet. 


  • will = werden / want to = wollen


Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen und konnte helfen.

:-) AstridDerPu