Gibt es Fehler in meinem Text?

4 Antworten

Finde den Text eig. Sehr gut. Dieses to eat klingt nur irgendwie komisch finde ich, würde eher food sagen. Und ich finde du könntest noch ein paar mehr Wörter wie z.b. also, besides etc. Verwenden.

Ich finde den Text gut.

Gut gemacht. Das hat Muttersprachlerniveau. Schreib (ziemlich unten) bitte: "playing video games". "Very" vor "addicted" finde ich unnötig.

Dein Deutsch ist allerdings verbesserungsbedürftig.

Gruß, earnest

What did I do during the quarantine?

Hello, as everyone knows, there is a pandemic going on at the moment, and everyone has to stay at home, and there are a lot of restrictions.

There is a limit on how much you can buy in the shop. You have to stay about 6 to 7 feet away from other people.

The schools are closed. Many people have to work from home.

My parents can't even go to work until June because all flights have been cancelled. They are members of the flight attendants, so of course they are not able to work from home.

Life has been very boring lately because I am not allowed to leave my house unless it is really necessary. I mean, I like how I can play video games all day and all night. One day I even stayed up until 7:30 the other day.

I am very addicted to playing video games. I mainly play Minecraft with my friends on Hypixel. Apart from that, I really have to change my sleeping schedule, but sometimes I just can't control myself. It's hard for me to do all my homework and I don't want to leave it until the last minute.

I wish I could go outside and do things like eat in a restaurant or go for an ice cream. I wish I could go on vacation, but I can't. I've played video games, slept and eaten even though there's not much food in my house. I can't wait until this pandemic is over so I can lead a normal life again.

I think people should not underestimate the corona virus, because it should be taken seriously. Stay home, wash your hands and think about the people who are at risk.

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