Gibt es Fehler in meinem Text?

Hallo ich habe ein Text auf Englisch gescrieben weil es Hausaufgaben ist. Gibt es Grammatik Fehler Oder Rechtschreibtfehler wenn ja korrigire Ich muss es zum mein Lehrer schicken

What have I been doing during quarantine.

Hello, as everyone knows there's currently a pandemic going on and everyone has to stay at home and there are a lot of restrictions. There's a limit to how much you can buy at the shop. You have to stay 2 meters away from other people. Schools are closed. A lot of people have to work from home. My parents can't even go to work until June because all flights are cancelled. They are cabin crew members so it obviously isn't possible for them to work from home. Life has been very boring lately because I can't leave my house unless it's necessary. I mean I like how I get to play video games all day and all night. I even stayed up until 07:30 the other night. I'm very addicted to playing video games. I mainly play Minecraft with my friends on Hypixel. With that being said I really have to fix my sleep schedule but I just can't help myself sometimes. It's hard for me to do all my homework and I don't want to leave it until the last minute. I wish I could go outside though and do stuff like eating at a restaurant or getting an ice cream. I wish I could go on holiday but I can't. The things that I've done are play video games, sleep and eat even though there isn't a lot to eat in my house.I can't wait until this pandemic thing is over so I can live my normal life again. I think people shouldn't underestimate the coronavirus because it should be taken seriously. Stay at home, wash your hands and think of the vulnerable people.

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Man kann sowas auch mit Photoshop o.ä. bearbeiten. Nimm dir instagram models nicht als Vorbild.

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