Film review "Shakespeare in Love" - Kontrolle

1 Antwort

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This review is about an interesting and lovely Interpretation of Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”. The movie “Shakespeare in Love” by John Madden does not just tell us the story hier fehlt etwas Romeo and Juliet also – Stellung

he integrates Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) himself as Romeo and his love Viola De Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow) as Juliet. First of all Komma we see Will a playwright and poet of the Elizabethan Age having a writer’s blog. In search of new ideas for his plays Komma Shakespeare visits a ball at the De Lesseps House falling in Love with Viola at the first sight. Tragically Komma Viola should be married to Lord Wessex (Colin Firth) who is more interested in the dowry than in Viola. Breaking with social rules Komma Viola Komma an admirer of poetry starts Komma a romance with Will.

When I saw the film Komma I really enjoyed the realistic impression you got of the conditions dominating during the Elizabethan Age. So at this point a great praise for the props, the costume design and the setting. It is fantastic to see the social difference between the nobles and the normal population. Especially the costumes of Queen Elisabeth (Judi Dench) have to be highlight. All those who might think now**: A romantic movie set in history. Not on my Watch!** Just go ahead, read the next lines and understand why this film could also be one for you. What makes “Shakespeare in Love” to a really great film is the interaction of music and camera. Just listen to hier fehlt etwas music played during a close-up it is possible to image the emotions of the person. Another point that convinces me is the acting. I think there are not so many films where the situations of the different persons are played in such a brilliance way. Finally Komma I absolutely recommend the movie “Shakespeare in Love” to everyone who looks for great entertainment in a historical sleeve.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

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für die Grammatik und

:-) AstridDerPu

 30.10.2012, 19:23

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This review is about an interesting and lovely interpretation of Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”. The movie “Shakespeare in Love” by John Madden does not just tell us the story of Romeo and Juliet **, he also** integrates Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) himself as Romeo and his love Viola De Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow) as Juliet. First of all, we see Will a playwright and poet from the Elizabethan Age having a writer’s block. Searching for new ideas for his plays, Shakespeare visits a ball at the De Lesseps House falling in love with Viola at the first sight. Tragically, Viola is forced to marry Lord Wessex (Colin Firth) who is more interested in the dowry than in Viola. Breaking with social rules, Viola, an admirer of poetry, starts a romance with Will.

When I saw the film, I really enjoyed the realistic impression you got of the conditions predominating in the Elizabethan Age. At this point I have to praise the props, the costumes and the settings. It is fantastic to see the social difference between the nobles and the lower class. Especially the costumes of Queen Elisabeth (Judi Dench) should be emphasizing.

All those who might think now: "A romantic movie set in history. Not on my Watch!" Just go ahead, read the next lines and understand why this film could also be interesting for you.

What turns “Shakespeare in Love” into a really great film is the interaction of music and camera. Just listen to the music played during a close-up makes it possible to image character`s feelings.

Another point that convinces me is the acting. I think there are not so many films in which the situations of the different characters are played in such a brilliance way.

Finally, I absolutely recommend the movie “Shakespeare in Love” to everyone who looks for great entertainment wrapping in a historical context.

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