Englischer Text über Teenager?

1 Antwort

They are dramatic, irrational and scream for seemingly no reason. They do stupid things. And they have a deep need for both greater independence and tender loving care. You could say this about teens or toddlers. 

And here's why: After infancy, the brain's most dramatic growth spurt occurs in adolescence, and that growth means things get a little muddled in a teen mind. 

Teen brains are also wired to seek reward, act out, and otherwise exhibit immaturity that will change when they become adults. - See more at: http://www.livescience.com/13850-10-facts-parent-teen-brain.html#sthash.6u5oKf9d.dpuf

  • .bustle.com/articles/44532-11-reasons-people-who-followed-all-the-rules-as-teenagers-have-the-most-fun-as-adults
  • .businessinsider.de/what-teens-are-like-in-2016-2016-1?r=US&IR=T